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Was Changing Grips Upon TM Beretta


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Ok i was just changing the grips. thought it was a real simple job so went ahead. Ended up that when i took them off the slide release catch comes straight off.


I have some pictures, i'm just a little confused how to put it back. i've got 2 springs that i don't know where/how they go.




Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3


Any help would be greatly appreciated,



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Hi mate,


the second spring goes on the right hand side of the gun and is normally covered by the grip. Put it on so the main curve goes around the raised circle and that the two ends are facing backwards and curve down. push the lower end up so that it rests on the little ledge behind the circle roughly below the hammer. then push the top end down and push it so it fits into the groove on the underside of the trigger to mechanism link (part27).


the long rod on the release catch goes through the centre of the coil. The long wire end of it goes in the grove on the top of the catch and the 90 deg. tab end rests opposite to it on the little ledge the easiest way to get it back on is to start is with the back of the catch facing down and then rotating it anti-clockwise until you can push it in just play around and you'll get it eventually, just make sure there isn't too much pressure on the spring otherwise the mag follower won't be able to push the catch up.


never hurts to splash a bit of lube down the hole the rod goes in




edit: laughably atrocious spelling and grammar

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A friend of mine dropped my WA Beretta *gasp!* onto gravel *double gasp!* and the grips flew off. I definitely know I lost the trigger bar spring (spring 2 in your diagram.) What's the best way to replace that piece short of buying a scrapped M9?


Sorry for the slight hijack. Given your thread, it didn't seem all that appropriate to make a new one so similar.

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