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Posts posted by Pkekyo-Nor

  1. I love my PC...it's just so bloody brilliant...

    oh, and ignore the camo BDUs

    The color's off in photos for some reason...in real life it's somewhere in between the color of the sling in the photos and RG

    Front view:


    Rear view:



    And yeah, I know...no first line...simply 'cause I don't need one...

    getting an OD flack though

    Oh, that's right...getting two OD Serpas too, to go with the USP OD two-tones I'm buying...

    OD is purty :>

  2. I'm perfectly calm, just stressing how imperitive it (in my opinion) is.

    If the scenario doesn't involve hostages revolting and assaulting their captors (which in my opinion is ######s, and if it -does- include this feature, tieing them down would kinda defeat the purpose, no? Randomly attacking your captors is also a nice way to get a full auto burst in the face at point-blank by the way), tieing someone down is just not necessary...

    If you get captured, or play the role of a hostage, just behave and follow the rules, it's not that hard.

    Myself, I would never allow anyone to be tied down if I run a game; simple rule: if you're a captive/hostage, act like it.


    I might come across as harsh/strict/a boob, whatever...

    "Safety first", in the words of the great 'Danger' Ehren McGhehey... You don't have to (and should not) risk safety for the benefit of the game scenario... It's not like safety and scenario are two natural oposites...


    Like I said, just my two cents...and some other small change...

  3. You should NEVER tie anyone up with zipties during a game, you never know how people may respond, and with the adrenaline of combat action going, the uncertainty grows even bigger.


    If you can't capture a player without tieing him up, you need a bloody new set of rules.

    Noone should ever be tied up if they do not pose any real threat towards you.


    Well, my two cents + half a dime atleast...


  4. well im glad one admits it....


    Said the nutter from the country where they drive on the wrong side of the road! :P

    Anyone able to tell me exactly how long the C and K length folding stocks are?

    Oh, and how's the TM stocks' finish compared to the CA ones?

  5. err...you -painted- it that way?

    on purpose?! o.O'


    just to have something relevant to the thread, I present to you RS painted weapons of the Norwegian Coastal Ranger Command:




    gonna do something similar to the woodland one myself, but can't figure out exactly what colors those are, any ideas?

  6. your math is horribly off; it's about $360 + S&H, not 27k (haven't checked current currency rates, grabbed this from memory)


    and no, as seen below, they use the KSK rails (can't remember wether or not they have MP7 flip-ups) and what looks to me like a Comp M2 reddot.

    also, mind you, the G36k is currently only in service by the norwegian Coastal Ranger Command, and most likely won't be picked up by anyone else, as the armed forces have just purchased an absolute arseload of HK416s :)




    no flip-ups, better shot here:


  7. It's not based on anything in particular, just a setup with bits and pieces I like :)

    (oh, the color of the weesatch is off in the pictores for some reason, it's more similar to RG than SG)








    - (RS) Cato Ringstad M/2000 BDU (n-camo, woodland)

    - (RS) HSGI cap

    - Real steel Bowman headset modded to use with Cobra MT radios (twopin), getting 

    a new PTT button for it though

    - (RS) CombatKit dropleg dumppouch (n-camo, woodland)

    - King Arms replica ALTA kneepads

    - (RS) Magnum 'Response' 8" boots (with fancypants dogtags)

    - Pantac weesatch

    --- 4x Fragpouches

    --- 1x Horizontal GP pouch

    --- 1x Low-profile hydration system

    --- 1x MBITR radio pouch (currently not in use)

    --- 1x Low-profile Admin panel

    --- Standard issue 3-point sling MacGyvered into a CIRAS-style 1-point

    --- 1x Pantac MOLLE shoulderbag, used as a quasi-buttpack

    --- 1x Double pistolmag shingle

    - Shemagh

    - Duty belt




    Kitlist (same as above, except):

    - my tacticool CAT working shoes

    - US 3-color DCU (going to RAID mod this one) eventually

    - US 3-color Boonie


    Would love some comments and tips if you've got any :)

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