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Posts posted by Scatman

  1. Heckler Und Koch for the win, honestly why do people butcher g36's a spas 12 stock would look better, I think in the case with most guns and the g36 especially is less is more, sure you could the weird looking ris rail foregrippy thing and 4 m203's but it wouldn't look right jsut liek those g36's, sure they are unique, but unique in a bad way, in a way that makes ghandi cry for blood.

  2. I dont care about the compensation jokes BIG A$$ HANDGUNS ARE AWESOME but I guess you are compensating for something, the fact their still breathing (jk) lol that raging bull is beautiful but the m500 is the pistol I want...to duel wield muhahaha

  3. Yo I have a suggestion for someone to make on photoshop (please) as im hopeless and the website doesn't have the gun, make a derringer xm109, I understand a derringer as a double barrel shotgun with a rifle barrel, so make it a triple barrel xm109 for uber pwnage!

  4. My Maruzen ca870

    with her kingarms suppressor, angs suppressor attachement, 6.03 inner barrel, steel spring guide and m140 (460fps) spring, and the lovely g&p folding stock.


    And yes I know its frowned upon having a suppressor but you can get them for real shotguns so I thought eh why not?



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