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Posts posted by NightFury

  1. Oh I heard about that too. Mainly people have been you RA assemblies. I haven't heard about broken trigger boxes from people who have been using Hephaestus trigger assemblies. I guess the Hephaestus is built more to WE spec than the RA. Either that or since the RA is finished it creates to tight a fit cause it to shear. I don't recall Hephaestus finishing anything in their AK set except for the trigger.

  2. Wait but isn't the part that usually breaks the place where one would slide the hammer into? What would secure the hammer and keep it from wiggling itself out? Or is there a pin that fills the diameter of the hammer bushing enough that the play in the trigger after that area breaks is negligible? Oh, and what are the chances of the firing pin and spring to fall out once it's broken? Or has no one experienced this issue as of yet?

  3. Digging around about the slow rof I came across adadqgg's mention of a fix involving staples. Basically the recoil spring and guide bind from tight tolerances in the bolt carrier from the top cover latch being slightly tilted. The earlier fix was to put a shim under the top cover which pushes the latch up when put down. I found an easier method by simply taping/gluing a sheet of aluminum (from a can or bottle cap) at the back corner of the latch itself.

    IMG_5989.jpgThe foam rubber buffer helps a bit in increasing rof too but it's there mostly to keep things from mashing each other to death.



    Also the latex adhesive I used for the strip of rubber for the hammer is working great. No shifting or peeling whatsoever and the hammer and bolt carrier are free from any wear except for paint being rubbed off. I've Probably shot it around 300-400 times in games though and add another 100 for dry firing so it's going to be slow assessing its full usefuln

    It is this a possible fix for the AK trigger boxes? I sure hope so. :) Been waiting too long for an AK. Just waiting for the day that all the kinks have fixes for them.

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