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VSR-10 cocking failure


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I was hoping you guys could tell me what went wrong so I don't have to spend lots of time trying to find out.

What happens is this, the bolt has no tension on it - you can pull it up and back as easily as a gas rifle would (it's spring), but then I have to push VERY hard against a spring to put it back home. What's more, once I finish that motion, I can still pull the trigger and shoot.


Basically, the spring tension turned into spring compression.

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Yep, I looked at the bottom of the bolt - when it's pulled back, I can see a spring and a broken piece of plastic.

Thanks for the help.


I'm guessing here, but think your plastic spring guide might have snapped. The spring guide stopper is metal and has no spring (its in the trigger mech, not the bolt.)


Good Hunting ;)

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Aye, if the broken piece of 'debris' in the back of your bolt is definetly plastic then it is unlikely to be your spring guide stopper and could well be the spring guide itself. Either way on this they are both simple and cheap fixes.


Whatever you do, don't pull/use the bolt anymore 'til its fixed as that will put plenty of stress on the internals in irregular places.

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