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Where to find a FN FAL para?


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As the topic described. I want to get a classic Fn Fal para model. They seem to have all dried up. I know some people are making dsa ones, with rails and what not. However I am looking for the regular FAL Para without the rails. Does any companies have any plans to release any? chinese clones? or will King Arms ever make some more?



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They are sort of a rare bird anymore.


I have the FAL solid stock and have owned several of the "shorties" and a L1A1 over the years. The best advice I can give you is to scour here, ebay, wherever you can. They DO pop up occasionally, but are usually snatched up by anyone who knows well enough very quickly.


The rumor always was that Quality Power was going to release a clone of the "classic" FAL's eventually, but who knows when the hell that'll be.


Best of luck to you man. I would'nt trade mine for ANYTHING in the world right now (short of a one-night stand with Alyson Hannigan.)

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