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N-E-X-U-S: 2021AD - SURVIVORS... 15th > 17th OCT


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Hello Everyone…


My names NiK, I organise a new system of Airsoft gaming called N-E-X-U-S.

I hope it will be of interest to you all. Our first beta test event was a great success, although a system development day it was a fully functional event in its own right.


Heres a promo for the October event:




Check out Pictures & Feedback from the JULY event by - Clicking Here -


N-E-X-U-S is a game format where you have direct control of a fully functional game world, a game which reacts to your input over time. The events are run by people with many years Live Action Games experience; we have the know-how to weave immersive plot, game mechanics and practical special effects into a coherent gaming universe.


There are no distinct games as such; there is only one shared scenario that runs from time in Saturday morning to Sunday night with a break only for sleep! Its a deeply immersive expirencial game where your every characters action has consequence on the future. The level of input you have is up to you, you can come and have a blast in an innovative atmosphere or you could have direct control of the games future by developing new technologies. Like living a movie where you make up the storey as you progress. You have to manage wealth & power, organise resources such as ammunition and equipment and through the act of surviving you develop new skills and abilities from event to event, that is presuming you survive!


Although the current campaign is set in 2021AD and is pre-apocalyptic in styling; it is our intension that N-E-X-U-S is a functional ‘Universe.’ By which I mean we intend to run campaigns based on a wide variety of genres inspired by popular movie themes such as Aliens the movie (get those pulse rifles ready!) Resident Evil, Day of the Dead, Blade Runner and Dog Soldiers.


We aim to create a whole new open genre system supported by professional special effects & production. Something deeply immersive, mature, thought provoking, challenging, and ultimately fun.


Far from the usual ‘spray and pray’ airsoft, in N-E-X-U-S: 2021(current campaign) you have to buy all ammo as part of the experience, ammo is therefore strictly limited to promote an atmospheric & challenging environment. All ammo is supplied as part of the game fee and is purchased using the supplied in-character currency. This makes for a very immersive, intense and ‘real-life’ experience.


We aim to run a variety of campaigns as well as one-off highly atmospheric, Hi-Ammo count linear events. It is our intension for players have direct input on the game via the forums. Your group can have private forums called ‘Hideouts’ in which you can discuss personal and group plot direct with the game team who then coordinates the bigger picture. This way the plot and atmosphere is created by the players for the players…and this can be whatever you wish -Civilian, Military, Mercenary, Para-military, Scientists, Researchers, Espionage –whatever you wish.


We are still in the early stages of development and would welcome your input and support in helping make this system exactly the kind of game you’d like to play. Airsoft makes for a thrilling & intense experience, keyed in with quality & practical special effects and mature, thought provoking plot; we hope to provide some of the very best Live Action Games available. This is just the Tip of the iceberg!


The October event is to be run at Spectre WarGames(Arnie-Geddon). An awesome site that boasts very different gaming environments all of which will be used during the course of the event.



Please Check us out!


Visit N-E-X-U-S.Org


Booking & Player Info, Hire Equipment, Location - Please Click Here -


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