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Teetotalling happens to other people.

Entries in this blog

While you're all busy messing about...

Yeah have fun today all of you lucky gits who can't read this yet some people just couldn't get to a game today   I thought we had a group for a skirmish today around here somewhere, but I seem to have been marooned in a small overcast town in southern Hampshire who's choice of excitement today could only be either plotting a modern-day Final Solution for the chavs and neds of my hometown, or just creatively avoiding the stress they cause everywhere in the town by walking around reading a bo



See ya later!

Just in case anyone thinks I'm forgetting anything, such as updating a particular literary project, then yes, actually no, actually maybe, possibly, I'm just *fruitcage* ing tired at the moment, but mostly I'm outta here for a few more days/weeks yet, at least until the forums get sorted; the boards need a lighter load to be fixed and I can't be arsed with the temperamental server throwing tantrums every other post, so I'll catch ya'll in a bit Take it easy now...      



Life & Death II - considerations

I've was wondering something while chatting to Jason the other day; when you get to your mid-twenties (ooh, me poor back! You don't get proper backs these days, not like the ones we used to have....) one finds oneself going out clubbing a lot less and tending to stay in more and not bother to go out and see people in their homes so much either, and I was wondering if the lack of willingness to go out clubbing so much is actually a sign of better judgement and increasing selectiveness in your cho




Whooo! Them server problems are kinda tricky aren't they?   In a strange way its been pleasant though; Arnie's not being accessible much of the time does relieve me of some of this responsibility I now feel towards writing stuff up, but I'm probably only doing it for reasons of self-gratification anyway Its most weird that, in the times in the past week when the site has been working, that my e-mail `topic subscription reply notifications` have totally failed to materialise even though the



Grave Robber

If anyone else has wondered if the new Tomb Raider: Legends game is any good, then read ye on, for I have acquired it simply out of curiosity because as far as I'm concerned the original was the best and most involving game of its day. I don't do RPGs and never have done, but for adventure and exploration there was none finer than Ms Croft and `the twins`….     I'm talking about her matched pistols, of course. You filthy-minded sods; get your head out of the gutter     From the styling o



Review: Dadao.

Ooh I likes this I do, I likes it a lot. I have to say here though that if you’re under 17 then this post is probably going to aggravate you I’m afraid, because a ) you can’t get one without supervision even if you wanted to and b ) you really shouldn’t have one to be let loose with anyway, considering the damage that potentially could be done! Nothing personal to anyone of that age but unless you have several years of martial arts training and weapon handling expertise under your belt then this



Armoured Core (or something)

I have a shiny & lovely new Nitro Vo. Rail Sleeve that now sits atop the SDK – just like so, in fact:       Its been a learning experience chopping this gun up/down, and what I have learned thus far is: Nitro Vo rails are really quite clever, in that they seat neatly onto the base of the rear sight block – or rather they do on those fortunate MP5s that haven't been abused with common household weaponry (saws, chisels, tins of paint, breadknives etc.) and their rear sights haven't lo



Here is the News.

I thought I may as well highlight the lineup for the next few entries, as they should be interesting to ya'll (BTW; Dave, where the funk are ya mate? Working hard I hope I think some drinking depravity is called for soon though ).   Incidentally, in case anyone did actually notice, then considering the antics of Bank Holiday Monday it should be pretty clear that I failed to give up the sauce. Again   What I have for you shortly is a first impression and assessment of the Marushin M1 Gar




*hic*   Please forgive the boring and self-absorbed nature of today's post; I'm still a little drunk- hic -even now.   I'm apparently working my way through being asked to leave all the pubs in Southampton for being drunk. (In a pub. Too drunk ) I remember that the barstaff chappie was so polite and tactful that he came and sat down next to me on the wrong side of the bar, and said that they were about to boot me out gracefully, so if I wandered off in the next 5 minutes that would be fine



Appealing, huh...?

How tricky it is to write these blog thingies, I wish people would at least gimme some feedback here! This is just a quick note to say: please appreciate the effort that goes into writing entries here; most of my posts are the best part of 1000 words and that’s a fair bit of typing, proofing, editing etc. I do this purely for the fame of course (oh fame! Rapture!) but, actually in truth, mostly so some o’ youse guys has sumthin’ to read from a fellow airsoftaholic when you get into work in the



Airsoft Site: The Duel

In a grand attempt to break from the insular course of action that has lead our skirmish group thus far to visit only the esteemed Ground Zero near Ringwood, Hampshire, we have bravely opted to patronise 2 entirely new sites, both of which actually being closer to all of us, in fact, than GZ is......   We are breaking the mould! - But in a sideways kinda direction instead of just foolishly galumphing forwards like some poorly prepared fools   Despite our actual conservation of effort (i.e.



I rest my freakin' case

http://newsbox.msn.co.uk/article.aspx?as=a...ae=windows-1252     How valuable is the life of a guinea pig? Really? Would anyone here actually choose, for example, to put untested chemicals into the eyes of one of their friends in preference to the eyes of a Guinea pig? To hear squeaks of pain, or the screams of that voice you know and care about as it writhes in agony and fear; a fear that the dumb Guinea pig simply could not comprehend, and is not even capable of? Which is fairer? Which is m



Behind the Scenes.

There is a dark side to all things, although in the realm of the rich & famous it is often never even hinted upon. In the lives of even the most famous and seemingly fantastically blessed or gifted actors there is often an underlying tone of despair or depression-   Marilyn Monroe was a painkiller junkie David Niven's first wife died in a tragic game of hide & seek Elvis was a burgerholic trigger-happy junkie The Kennedies have had a few pratfalls, here and there... Catherine Zeta-



And the results are in...

Write-up from Sunday is here, but first off I would like to mention how ANNOYING it is to have the forums work for apparently less than 50% of the time since Friday. We greatly appreciate all that has been done for us more or less for free here on Arnie's, but a lot of people are mainly here to help others and, to be brutally honest, it feels like we are being denied the ability to do that.   Politics aside (and I don’t believe `server connections` have anything to do with it, otherwise how co



To ensure peace prepare for wargames.

Going to my first CQB/CQC/FIBUA game tomorrow, and along with the usual shenaniganerry of getting the list of players finalised, and in turn the requisite amount of kit that needs to be gotten ready, we have the stomach be-troubling slightly gigglesome nervousness of Trying Something New to contend with   I'm looking forward to it immensely of course: pistols and shotguns are goooooo!! ) although sadly 3 people have so far dropped out of the running, which despite making it easier for me to



Reviews & News

I finally get round to writing this up now, after a few little crises of my own, the details of which I won’t bore you with. Its worth the wait though as there has been an important discovery in the world of Airsoft….   The HFC T77 is the superlative gas SMG available today. It’s the best that I know of, bar classics perhaps (which I personally have no taste for because of the hoses, but that’s just me), nothing else comes close. It outranges a stock short-to-mid-length AEG (G36C, M4, Sig 552,



Yeah I'm a bad man, OK?

I have found the secret to dealing with those post-binge scruples: the scruples that make you feel guilty during your hangover.   They’ve actually dominated my thoughts for the past 60 hours and I can’t tell you how much of a relief it was to have my good (and blessedly continual) friend Chupp call me up and say he isn’t upset with me. I was convinced that I had irreperably insulted him, or otherly upset the dude sufficient to the point that he wasn’t speaking to me – as it turns out the 3 tim



Gushing praise

I would just like to briefly say a heartfelt "thank you" to the kindly souls who have graced me with their positive appraisal This blog rating thing is kinda cool after all, huh?   I have another amusing tale to tell tomorrow in fact so get ready for some more silliness: I'm still assimilating the details of Friday night even now; how I got to the flat at which I woke up, why I was dressed the way I was, whether my friends are still talking to me, how long I got away with dancing on the tabl



Evil 101

Forgive the crappy play-on-words Seeing as Ghost_Rider's predicament is what I would call `warranted emosity` I have a little rant of me own, but not exactly of the same ilk. I just need an excuse like that to tell you total strangers anything about myself, because I'm certain that you really don't give a fig   The thing that really makes me `evil` = stress. As far as I can estimate, stress, in its own peculiar way, accounts for and is responsible for about 20% of my personality and behav




Holy ###### I made it to 100! Well isn't that nice.   Taking a break from all things airsoft as I have been these last few days then I've not pondered much on the blog, but there are a couple of things I'm still gonna eulogise about.   What, you didn't think you were getting away without a rant, did you??   Saw V for Vendetta myself last night, (**SPOILERS COMING**) and I did rather like it. The faked torture of Natalie Portman was oh-so predictable, but still cool to see her head gett



Communist Warrior Win Brave Fight!

Someone sent me this this morning, I am practically in love with these guys, whoever they are. Gods bless their little pinko hearts.   WARNING! Engage humour and disengage any political sensibilities now, especially if you are one of the who believe `people are basically good` i.e. that communism would work if no-one abused it   http://www.etext.org/Politics/MIM/bookstor...ftheoldrep.html   Thats Knights of the Old Republic from the neo-communist viewpoint. I rofl'ed, I can tell you



Ramble ramble ramble

I can really appreciate the idea of righteous, abject laziness right now - its about the most boring time of year and it seems hard to get anything done. Bleh.   I'm about ready for bed now, how about anyone else?? *snores*   I'm immensely chuffed with the result on that M8045 Blade that I had repaired; its just an awesome pistol anyway - one that now works fully - and has excelled even more and revealed it true and glorious nature, like some mechanised and angular caterpillar: its a fully



Moment of Clarity

Man, its another hazy Saturday morning at work, I can't believe I thought I was going to have a quiet one, and ended up having a 6-pack and a bottle of red wine. I actually attempted some carpentry at some point, in a moment of drunken genius, because I guess I just didn't realise quite how drunk I was Amazingly, even after last week's incident, I still do possess all my fingers   Its lead to me realise something again that I've noticed before many times, pretty obvious really but I'll go



How to: Get lots of Guns

The question has been raised many times, and I’ve asked it myself of people like Donnie: how the hell do you get so much stuff??! Obviously some people are richer than others, and some people have worked for this and some have not, and in Donnie's case I presume (although we did all point out his career of choice had to involve killing people at some point ) he probably runs his own company or something, judging by the photos of his cars and the fact that the carpark they were in was bereft of



Evilhippy's World of Airsoft

Some you win, some you lose .....   "Track & Trace   Parcel tracking details   Progress of the parcel you've enquired about is displayed below.     Parcel number: EC779785077GB Status: In progress   Parcel tracks   Date Time Location Tracking Event   22-03-2006 11:07 International Hub AWAITING CUSTOMS CHARGING 22-03-2006 11:07 International Hub AWAITING CUSTOMS CHARGES 21-03-2006 21:22 International Hub Arrived in destination country 21-03-2006 2



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