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Forum updates, feedback system and new versions



blog-0845503001323111424.jpgFirstly I'm going to try to document forum updates and other work completed to the site here in my forum blog. This will keep all the forum related updates in one place.


I've completed several updates to the forums today. We're now running the latest IPS versions for Gallery and Blog. There should be several bug fixes and feature adjustments with these new versions; I don't get a list I'm afraid or I'd publish it.


I've also taken comments on the trading system on board and we now have a feedback system installed for people to rate traders. I'm also inviting comment on whether we should update the sales system entirely or stick with topic based trading.


If there are bugs, problems or you just have an idea or input you'd like to see considered please do use the suggestion area to tell us!


You can find a topic covering these updates here.


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