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IPB Gallery now running 4.2.1

I've updated our forum to the latest gallery version. This should fix a few niggly bugs that you might have seen.   I've also rebuilt the search indexes at the same time. Please report any issues on the usual areas of the forum.



IPB Blog, now running 2.5.1

I've uploaded and upgraded the blog software today, we're now running the latest version. There may be some minor changes and improvements due to this.



Digests should now be going out

Some of our members were not getting forum digest emails. This has now been fixed by Invision. Sadly it was a bug that was discovered by us and then reported to Invision that turned out to be an issue that affected all deployments of the new software. Our board have now been fixed with a patch, this will have resulted in quite a few emails going out as the backlog of digests went out.   As of now all forum digests should be going out on time and as expected. The patch has been rolled out to th



Forum updates, feedback system and new versions

Firstly I'm going to try to document forum updates and other work completed to the site here in my forum blog. This will keep all the forum related updates in one place.   I've completed several updates to the forums today. We're now running the latest IPS versions for Gallery and Blog. There should be several bug fixes and feature adjustments with these new versions; I don't get a list I'm afraid or I'd publish it.   I've also taken comments on the trading system on board and we now have a



Busy busy, but Futurama is coming back!

I keep mentioning that I'm busy, but thankfully I do get a fair amount of time to myself between shifts, so I can pop on here to post. I remembered that I've not updated my own blog for a bit, so here I am.   In some news of interst to me, Futurama is back (I spotted the link over at Epicycle.org.uk) : http://www.nypost.com/entertainment/back_t..._don_kaplan.htm       Anyway, back to updating my iPod content for the car before I head out.



Doom the movie

Well Doom the movie is out ( http://imdb.com/title/tt0419706/ ), and I've had a chance to watch it. The film instantly came across as one that was set out in a very similar way to the first Resident Evil film.   The film stars "The Rock" as a rather dull muscle bound character with a gun and a short haircut, sadly not a patch on the performances he can give when given the hance (those in Scorpion King or Walking Tall were pretty decent). The rest of the actors were pretty much unknown to me,



POI, GPS, OV2 ow my head hurts

Well I spent a good it of time last night coding the output code to produce files in the right format for TomTom navigator.   Not that it has got anything to do with with the fact that I finished wiring in my GPS unit into my bike.   Anyway, I added the news to the front page but still have a bit more work to do. Apparently TomTom throws a wobbly if you have more than 100 points in one file, so requires you to encode thigns in an optimised b-tree. That's great, but the SDK from TomTom the



Southpark Series 9 Episode 9

The next episode of SouthPark aired yesterday and if you weren't able to see it you can find details of the episode up over at MrTwig (here: http://mrtwig.net/ep/909.html ). Oh here's some random links to keep folks entertained: - If Fox news were around since the year dot: http://mysite.verizon.net/vze1ldyn/id2.html - The Onion randomness http://www.theonion.com/content/node/41676 - Scary shouty insane woman http://www.killsometime.com/Video/video.asp?ID=346 - another KST vid,



Review Database code updated

Well after much messing around (I hate code upgrades) the Review Database site code has been updated. It now shows a calendar on the RHS so you can see reviews/products posted on any particular day.   It was a bit of an *albartroth* to get it all working, but it's now done.. I can go grab a coffee now.   Someone reported that the review stats weren't correct and were infact showing more reviews that were present for some products, thus incorrect product stats/ratings. I've corrected the pr



Dreamweaver 8, a backwards upgrade

I tend to use Dreamweaver 7.01 (MX, 2000 something-or-other.. they keep changing the version numbers and product name) various online projects around the 'net. It uses a handy interface that makes handling lots of files much easier. It makes life easy for me to search through multiple files at once, and to do global updates on a series of files if one image or page is moved.   Of late Macromedia chose to update their product to version 8. Now I was waiting for this release myself as there's s



Stores without an address

This is really getting on my nerves at the moment (I'll leave names out so that I don't offend anyone). In my efforts to get the weblinks section up to date I keep coming across Airsoft retail outlets who have a website, and believe it or not they don't have primary contact details on their site anywhere where they are easy to find. In a lot of cases they don't even bother adding a link to Mapquest or Multimap. Sure a map link isn't needed but it takes 30 seconds to sort and add a link to your o



Marushin 8mm M500, the fatal flaw

The chaps at 858Airsoft have posted a review of the Marushin M500 8mm Shotgun. I'll leave you to read the review, but my reason for posting it here is that they've highlighted the issue that I also came across with one of the pivot points breaking after only light use.   This happened to me on two of my own 8mm M500s, and on a further two that I know of myself. Sadly it looks to be a manufacturing flaw and affects pretty much every 8mm M500 at some stage in their lives. Initially I thought it



Decent books

Well I had a chance to get some light reading done while I was on holiday and thought that a few of the highlights were worth a mention. Stephen Ambrose's books are a darn good read. Everyone's heard of Band of Brothers, so I'll skip that one (it's the book that the series came from).   Wild Blue is a book that follows the life of 741 Squadron during WW2. It's well documented and referenced. Like BoB it mainly follows the story of a singular crew as they get to grips with the war, the B24s an



Mapping and how to kill that darn Winamp popup!

I don't know how many people use Winamp, but if you use the latest version to listen to online music while you work as I do, the continual "browser" popup every time you change stations can be really annoying. I did a bit of hunting and found this natty little addon:   http://www.nunzioweb.com/daz/releases.html#11/10/2005   Does what it says on the tin "Kills all known Winamp popups.. dead". Just installed and I'm now free, freeee from those 'orrible popups.   I've also recently launche



Time just moves too fast

Well after spending hours working on various web projects site updates and email replies I still don't feel like I've got anywhere, and it still feels like I've got mountains to get through. Ah well, there's always tomorrow.   The new mapping system is live, it's all driven off GoogleMaps which is a pretty nifty API to get used to. There's loads more I could do with it.. but lets face it, it doesn't have to do everything.   ...right I wonder if I should get some sleep?



Southpark is back!

Southpark series 9 is back, with <a href="http://mrtwig.net/ep.php?e=908" target="_blank">episode eight of series 9</a>, <a href="http://mrtwig.net/ep.php?e=908" target="_blank">"Two Days Before The Day After Tomorrow"</a> airing last night, and blooming good it was too! <blockquote> "A global warming state of emergency is declared in South Park. The world's largest beaver dam breaks and floods the adjacent town of Beaverton. As the victims wait for help to arri



Back from me hols

Well my flight touched down last night, and I've not had much of a chance to clear up my email and get through all the updates I need to do, but I'm getting there. Two weeks in the sun... yummmeh.   Completely randomly, I thought I'd add a few links to a glorious horror that I've been reminded of after running some updates. I'm currently being nagged every 10 minutes to reboot my machine by the update service. Oh how I hate XP most the time: ( http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archi



Blogs launch

I've just set the blog system to go live. For those wondering Blogs aren't just handed out to anyone and are instead given out to people that I think can write something that's of interest to other users. Think of the system more as a "contributing author" section rather than just a casual blog area. I've got a bit more work to do with everything yet, but it's pretty workable at the moment.   My blog is a bit of a testing ground for the new system at the moment, so apologies that it's a bit



Random thought for the day

Apparently the smoke created from the burning of laurel leaves is not pleasant and contains, amongst other things, cyanide compounds, more specifically cyanogenic glycoside (ref: http://www.kits...poisonous_plants.htm).   Hmm.. probably would have been nice to know that before I lit the bonfire after trimming the hedge out back.



A "real" test

Well I needed to test out the new blogging system that I've installed.. so this is technically the first entry for the system.



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