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chris u'5

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Posts posted by chris u'5

  1. If you can afford the extra cash for the PGC then you should definitely go for it.

    Guarder is good for the money but doesnt really compare to the PGC.

    I suppose it depends what you are doing with the pistol as well. If you will just be skirmishing then the Guarder might be the best bet but if it is a collection pistol then it is PGC all the way!

  2. Doh! you noticed! :o




    Actually, please forgive me, the images are all edited I just have to strap myself in the chair long enough to write it.


    It will be added this weekend, promise!








    I will hold you to that :P

    Really looking forward to it Guinness.


  3. Just normal wood grips, nothing special or popular brand. Got them from an local internet auction. Only bought it because I liked the pattern. They loose the kimber quite a bit of weight because they are way lighter than the metal inlayed stock grips. But a good feeling in the hand. We don't have micarta grips around. This will be my next thing for the kimber.

    They look good mate.

    It is nice to see a Kimber with a normal, plain pair of wooden grips for a change.

  4. :D Well instead of that, just send DIAGEO a letter demanding they stop efforts to end Guinness production at St. James Gate (Blasphemy!) Although, mine comes from Canada anyway, but still thats just wrong.



    I beg patience as I am finishing up 'Parts V & VI' of the weathering guide this week and will have it posted in this thread and the review database as well.


    I hesitate to re-add the 1911 image as it shows for me and since it would ultimately be the same Photobucket source link, repost would likely have the same results on your work machine- If thats your only source shoot me a PM and I can provide some alternate shots.






    I see it now (I am using my home computer)

    Looking forward to Parts V & VI

  5. Meaning "How did you do it?" or "Why on earth did you beat up perfectly good grips?" :P

    I would love to know how you achieved the 'battered' look on the 1911 grips!

    Please tell :D

    I will buy you a pint of The Black Stuff for your trouble :P


    If you have a chance sometime could you re-post the pic of the 'weathered' 1911 grips attached to the WA?

    It is not showing on my work computer.


  6. I am starting to get used to the new skin now, I was a bit unsure at first though.

    It is definitely much easier on the eye the many other forums, Airsoft Forum, Airsoft Retreat etc.

    Many of the other forums I really dont enjoy reading purely because the colours used in their skins makes them quite difficult to read, especially if you have been reading them for a while. They make me go all google eyed :nosleep:

  7. The main trades are excellent but it is the section that says 'This product is made in Japan...blah,blah,blah'

    It looks like it has been poorly stamped.

    Not a big deal as I said, just interested to know what other people think.

  8. Quick question for WA Beretta 92 PV owners please.

    On the right hand side of my pistol, where the licensing agreement is printed, the trades are quite poor.

    They are very shallow and are actually almost smudged. Where the writing starts it is fine but it starts to fade towards the tip of the barrel. I am refering to the section of writing that is on the frame just underneath the slide.

    Not a big deal at all but is this the same for everyone?

  9. Thanks! As for how they look compared to the real steel, look very closely at the one in the lower left. Western Arms really does make the best Beretta replica when it comes to the look and feel.


    I was a little disappointed with the Carbon's looks (as evidenced by the picture, the grey is mostly due to the flash but the green metal is really that awful) although it is about as heavy as the real thing. The Perfects are of course, perfect.

    I am a big fan of Western Arms and I love my Beretta 92 PV but i don't agree that it is perfect.

    I really hate the text on the right hand side with the licensing agreement.

    'Western Arms', 'Made in Japan etc

    I understand why it is there but it is not "perfect"

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