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About Carson

  • Rank
    FA-MAS Guru :-)
  • Birthday 03/11/1989

Additional Information

  • Airsofter since
    March 2003 (I think)
  • Toy collection
    Custom FAMAS F1
    ICS M4-A1 Rifle
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Interests
    Airsoft<br />Skiing<br />Land Rovers - Defenders & Series<br />Computers<br />Gaming
  1. Well.........I suppose i shall do one at some point if people will find it useful. Although, i probabley wont do the conversion myself until after christmas or something as i need to get the money to buy a new motor first. I shall certainly post a guide up when I have the time to do it. As well as the other guides i've been meaning to do at some point.
  2. What I kinda meant was that to fit any other kind of motor (eg ones that arn't the eg560) into the version 1 gearbox you need to cut away a section of the gearbox and make a bracket to hold the new motor in place. i have a pic of what would need to be done here. I hope that clarifies things a little, because i may not have explained it too clearly the first time.
  3. Not without modifying the gearbox and making your own bracket to hold the motor, no.
  4. Ha Ha, thats awsome. I think I may have started something here.
  5. LOL, that would be nice to see. I cant remember exactly how the hell I came up with the idea. But I do know that my old secondry school (about 4 years ago) replaced all of their old mousemats cos they had the wrong web address on them, so I took a load, combined it with my cheekpiece and hence forth the FAMAS cheekpiece cussion was born.
  6. Ha, excellent. My little cheek piece mousemat cushion is turning out to be quite popular. And all for our delicate little cheeks
  7. Oooh, nice work. Im working towards something like that only without the carry handle. What outer barrel have you got on there and how is it fixed? cos thats whats been puzzleing me for a while. Oh, and its nice to see that my guide is getting plently of use aswell.
  8. Here is my ride, Classic Series 3 land Rover.
  9. In short.....You cant easily take the feel off. However, i have shortened my bipod and to do that i cut off the bottom feet on the actual tube of the bipod then carefully removed the tubing from around the cast bipod feet. This is necessary because the bipod isn't held on with screws, etc, etc. its held on by forcing some of the tube inside a hole in the bipod feet. To put them back on, you will have to expand the tubing a little at the ends and them hammer the feet in place. (i didn't expand the tubing so they fit even more snugley. However, if your going to do this you will need a very lar
  10. Do you mean if you sent me money to do the chop for you and pay for postage? Oh and I used some Araldite Rapid expoxy glue, worked like a charm. Currently, not much at all. I did have a 1J spring in it, but i salvaged that for a different weapon. But my plans are to put a PSG-1 650mm tight bore into it covered by either a long silencer or long bull outer barrel, then make it semi only, upgrade the internals to whatever my skirmsih site allows for a semi-auto sniper, put an ICS turbo 3000 in it, replace the hop-up and then finally paint the whole thing a nice OG camouflage (like dp
  11. You could just do what i did and turn the carry handle around and stick it on by some means then alter the shape of it, etc. Anyone notice the part of a mouse mat on the cheek piece . It makes it really comfortable to rest on compared to without and its a simple little mod.
  12. Go to the previous page and you'll see a picture with the scope attached and the bipod shortened. More below:
  13. Thanks Kingcodez, this was my first major custom job and i have to say im very pleased as to how it came out. Before i put the scope on it looked a little odd, (picture below) but now i put a nice scope on i think it has really done it justice. The carry handle was cut off, turned around and stuck back on with some strong epoxy glue (that way it wont ever budge). I thought that putting a scope on the carry handle on a normal famas would be way to high, so I chopped it. The height of the scope now is almost perfect, especially with the shortened bipod.
  14. Here be my new modded famas that isn't quite finished. In its current state it will consistently hit a 30x60cm block from 30m and max range is 40m. Although soon to be better than that when i put a longer barrel in it and change the outer barrel.
  15. Well, i've just been through every single page of this thread, taken me 1 hour 30 mins to do so, but then i have nothing better to be doing at the moment. Some really nice armalites in here.
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