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About Reejoc

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    Adv Member

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    United Kingdom

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  1. What a rip off. Shame they'll probably still cost more in the UK, so I'm on the list anyway
  2. The search feature will only seem to return no results at all or seemingly random results. It also won't search for posts from specific usernames. And the advanced commands don't work (eg +word +word)
  3. I'm tired of this argument now, but I'm not letting that go. I was discussing this rationally, then you came along with the personal insults: So don't rewrite history. Now, back to pictures, with or without unit affiliation!
  4. There's a difference between learning from history and replicating it. No you are not pretending to be a soldier just because you look like one. Obviously real military kit is often best for the job. This all has little to do with the discussion, which is about an attitude which, as anyone who has every played airsoft will know, does exist. I developed my argument because you asked me to. But since you are incapable of understanding my point, let alone rebutting it, we should probably leave it here. (and Ubar, defending an argument is not attention seeking)
  5. I personally think that military re-enaction is geeky, rather a waste of time and possibly even morally reprehensible. Imagine what a WWII vet would think about a bunch of weirdos dressing up like WWII infantry to try and 're-enact' that era. Fairly insulted I'd imagine. Real war is not something to be relished and to attempt to do so is to make a mockery of those who have fought and died. Like Solo said, airsoft represents some of the best things about being a soldier, without the pain, suffering and violence of actually fighting a war. But it doesn't give you proper military training or
  6. I'm not arguing about the enjoyment of playing airsoft, or the need for practical gear to enhance the game, but about people who dress up as servicemen and buy unnecessary equipment simply for show. Because you're faking it - it's not your 'cool' to adopt, it's the attire and style of real soldiers, and their coolness is related to them being real soldiers.
  7. I quake with fear. My main problem with airsoft (and the reason why I think it will never become mainstream like paintball) is the pseudo military pretension. Airsofters aren't soldiers and the guns we carry are toys. I can see the practical use of many items of kit and uniform, but I don't understand the need to pose as real members of the armed forces. By doing so you will always be second best - if you want to be a soldier, join the army. If we took the way we look a little less seriously, then airsoft wouldn't remain the 'weirdo' sideline activity that it is often perceived to be.
  8. At least someone here isn't pretending to be something they're not.
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