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About FarEast

  • Rank
    Staff Writer
  • Birthday 08/29/1975

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  • Airsofter since
    Playing in Japan since 2001
  • Toy collection

    M4A1 KAC Custom OD
    M4 GemTech Talon
    M4 VLTOR CASV (Multicam)
    M4 CASV CQB Suppressed (Black)

    The list goes on and on!
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  • Location
    Yokohama Japan
  • Interests
    All extreme sports

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  1. Happy Birthday FarEast!

  2. No need to run the old 1.50 firmware....the latest 3.90 offers all the features of 1.50 while still having the latest patches for recent releases.
  3. For me it was using Google Earth with the GPS receiver so I can navigate anywhere in the world.... it makes my Garmin look like a Peice of poo.
  4. I want the Brown Hoodie as well. Spoke to Paul yesterday and he informs me that the new batches will be much better copies. More attention to the internals as well as a better fabric.
  5. Best take that one to PM's Doc. I have a document i wrote for 2 of the guys at work whose PSP i did the Pandora hack to, it pretty much explains what and how it all works.
  6. Im able to hit my usual target, which is a give way traffic sign (Identical in size and shape to UK ones) at a little over 50 meters. That is without fine tunning the hop perfectly or zeroing in the scope. As for the power, not 100% yet as my Chrono is the type you screw on to the end of the barrel.
  7. yep, wound back the official 3.95 firmware to the 3.70 M33 firmware. Then upgraded back up to the 3.90 M33-3
  8. My new toy for the long commutes to Tokyo. PSP 2000 slim and light Piano Black: Decided to customise it: Realised that i had invalidated the warranty so decided to go one step further! Running 3.90 M33-3
  9. Well it's rainy season here in Japan and so far mine has survived 1 Tyhpoon and several heavy tropical down pours followed by heavy humidity and these are bloody great! I have the version without the hood and I have to say that these are as water poof as they come, the rain was just beading off mine and alas my trousers got soaked.
  10. Finally we have the 190 rd magazine. This is pretty much identical to other generic models on the market apart from the embossed King Arms logo on the base plate. I’ve only fired off around 500 rounds in semi through the weapon, but in that short space of time did not experience any double feeds or jams. Just like the other King Arms magazines I’ve tested the winding mechanism is very smooth and over winding will not result in the spring releasing. Also again I tested inserting the magazine at all angles both gently and combat slap, again without the spring releasing.’ But only
  11. As many of you are aware either through reading my reviews or from owning a new version King Arms receivers is the way the extension tube has been redesigned to solve many issues faced be players The design team at King Arms has rethought the design process and has made some changes that are really a benefit. Players who use a battery stocks and have upgraded to a metal body will all know about the need to ‘Chop’ the extension tube to allow a battery to be fitted. King Arms has designed the length to the precise measurement and not only that added to it! As you can see th
  12. Likewise the upper receiver has some differences to when compared to generic metal bodies on the market. The first is that there is actually a channel now for the bolt to slide along, but also the bolt itself is very different. As you can see the bolt is now spring loaded and when the charging handle is pulled back the bolt also moves back locking with the spring latch. Now yes, this is a gimmick and its only real use is to hold the fake bolt back without having to also manipulate the charging handle while adjusting the hop unit. But never the less, it’s still something that
  13. The upper and lower receiver is exactly the same in design as the one featured in the TROY A3 review and players will not be disappointed with the captive receiver pins. Players that are used to the old style receivers will certainly appreciate these pins, on closer inspection of the front receiver pin you will notice that the pin has small semispherical indent to it. This indent is what the spring pin locks into when the receiver pin is pushed fully into both halves of the receiver and prevents the pin from working it’s way loose. Not only that the same spring pin
  14. One of the other points were the King Arms and the real Bushmaster differ is on the vents. The King Arms variant only sports the venting on the front of the fore-grip while the real steel has them both at the front and the back. Needless to say the purists amongst us will be a little disappointed so far with the lack of adherence to the real thing. One of the other features of the fore-grip is the beautifully textured finish, making it virtually anti-slip. One of the other disappointments is that the inner barrel does not fully extend to the end of the barrel but st
  15. The King Arms 24” Free Floating Sniper Rifle. Yet again King Arms delivers an outstanding gear box that will deliver both the ability to withstand the wear and tear of power users, as well as the reliability for players looking for a stock weapon to last. Just like the TROY A3 the King Arms 24” Free Floating Sniper Rifle is a complete package, meaning that it’s designed to fit a certain role within the game. In this case a designated sniper rifle, so players looking for a multirole weapon need to look else where. The barrel as stated is the 24”, making this a mere 7cm lon
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