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About ryangolfvr6

  • Rank
    Regular Poster
  • Birthday 10/14/1983

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    United Kingdom

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  1. wants a new rif but which one to choose after a gbbr i think but not sure so many to choose from

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ryangolfvr6


      primary been looking at the we g39 but also the we scar open bolt and the m4a1 open bolt. like the look of the we l85 but herd its shooting very hot and will need the npas kit fitting but that could be said about all the gbbr ive just listed. also the we m16 is around soon but im not sure im into the whole nam age thing going on

    3. Reppyboyo


      All WE GBBRs need a NPAS to be UK legal.

      G39 is a fantastic starter GBBR, love my own.

    4. ryangolfvr6


      just bought myself a we g39c

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