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About Reppyboyo

  • Rank
    Regular Poster
  • Birthday 02/22/1986

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  • Airsofter since
    Feb 2009
  • Most likely to say
    Epic Fail
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Location
    Caldicot, South Wales

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  1. Aye, its a massive shame. That part being steel would have completed it, perhaps after market or a 3d printer somewhere might cater for something more solid.
  2. Just dont drop it. The material used for the outer barrel under the handguard is very thin. Dropped my g3 from waist height and snapped it.
  3. Damn that carbine is pretty damned cool....better keep the credit card ready.
  4. Same, it's getting harder to resist. Where did you get the adjustable valve BTW?
  5. It would be nice to see some internals shots if at all possible. I'll admit im tempted by the VFC.
  6. Thanks for that, I'll give it a go.
  7. Nice and confusing.
  8. More details here: https://www.popularairsoft.com/news/aps-announce-new-cam-mk3-shotgun Only thing that seems worth mentioning is they reckon it is more powerful (360 ~ 380 FPS) due to the longer pin. Might grab one when I have spare cash lying around but will stick to my MK1 for now.
  9. Interesting indeed. Apart from gas in bolt though what we're the differences? Wonder if we will see Mkiv shells now then. Gas in shell plus quick loading would be rad.
  10. Is there a way to improve the shell ejection? Im finding that randomly the shells will extract fine but wont eject, leading to a double feed.
  11. They have popped up at this retailer: http://airsoft.tiger111hk.com/p38221/APS-9rds-Gen-3-Shell-For-CAM-MKII-CO2-Shotgun-(25-Cartridges)/product_info.html
  12. Well that is certainly interesting. I would presume they are MKII only, perhaps these are also APS's response to the poor power/range of the MKII system?
  13. New shells as in the mk2 or the smart shells?
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