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WTB: Russian Camo


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Hey, just looking to buy some desert or woodland russian camo. I really don't care what kind it is as long as it's not:


2. Any color other than tan/brown or green. (none of that sky blue or gray tiger stripe ######)

3. Ridiculously small or large

4. Faded beyond recognition, or to the point of mistaking for snow camo. :P


So if you have some spare/unused Russian camo you want to get rid of, shoot me a PM. Keep in mind, I'm looking to get this stuff relatively cheap, so if you try to sell me a $150 set of Russian camo, I'll just head over to RedSoldier.com and buy the same set for $60.


EDIT: Forgot to add, will also trade out my ACU for a set of Russian camo. Pants are a bit faded and missing their top button, but it's nothing a belt can't fix. Shirt is zip-up type and in perfect condition, also includes Condor ACU Tactical ball cap.




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