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It seems forever ago that Hephaestus teased a GBB PP-19 Vityaz with no further evidence it would actually get released.

Well has decided to pick up an alternative Russian SMG and is releasing a PPK-20 in AEG and GBBR which is pretty cool. I'm not too sure how Well will be able to pull off a GBB like this but maybe their Well "Pro" line is up to it.

- ambi safety

- 40 rd mags

- claims to be MWS gas system 

Also some more mad minguns including a Nemesis style one, AK-12 AEG


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Got to love some minigun fun. I would be interested to see how much those little ones will be, always remind me of the combat shotgun from the Rutger Hauer movie Split Second, and I have always wanted to pick one up, even thought about the CA one a few years back but honestly not a fan of CA. I can’t say that I have ever owned anything decent from Well either, but in fairness I have only seen a few of their guns so I don’t know enough about them to judge them yet.

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