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Airsoft News Network - Newscast February 17th, 2008


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As neat as an airsoft TV show might be, it seems like more information is available simply from browsing forums. Not only can I get information, reviews and chatter on a forum, but I can get it from numerous sources and without having to listen to just one person. Secondarily, I can point my browser wherever I choose and don't have to just sit and listen to some guy's opinion on a product.


I'm not saying "stop doing the show! grraw!" I think that airsoft TV is a neat idea, but I think it really needs to be expanded to have game footage, indepth reviews, disassembly segments. etc. In addition, the dialogue could be a lot smoother, and so could the editing.


I can find info on guns, gear, parts, etc all online. My online experience will be far better than anything that can be offered in a brief TV show. The one thing that I cannot experience online is games. I'd be nice to see what kind of scenarios, etc people are playing all across the country/world.

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Swiper, looks like tea to me (don't know too many guys that put cubes in brew)


Getting there, few things I can add is:


-Ditch the opening music....just ain't workin.

-Work on your speaking skills, the occasional "uh" or pause/stutter or words can throw your presentation off.

-Try to spreak more fluently.....your speaking seems to slow/speed and not flow correctly

-Don't give me a tidbit of info on something, and then tell me to go to the website for more information....this is just gonna lose people. I suggest when you bring something up, talk about it for a few minutes going over the key points....then when you've said your peace, add a "for further details..."


Good example is op Red storm rising. You could have givin a discription of what's going on, what will be there....something to hook your veiwer in, THEN go "if your intrested in going, or would like more info go to..."


Your transitions into topics REALLY needs to be worked on, makes it seems like it's shoddily put together. Good example was your transition for the OP info to your tip for mags, where in the hell did the paint and the mag come from? Also the intro seemed weak, only offering a few moments of intrest at most. You could have started by drawing the vewier in by relating to them on how we all hate losing mags, how bad it sucks etc...then drop a line like "Something that I've found REALLY helpful (got to emphasis how helpful it is.) is...


Also whatever your reading off of should be set at the same level as your camera....looks off when you keep looking down (obviously reading) then back into the camera. Setting your info at eye level gives off the impression your looking into the camera, plus it doesn't make it look obvious that your reading.


relax, cause it doesn't seem like it.


As Giqueand pointed out, info is readily and easily available....so info shouldn't be the bulk of the show. Try to get opinions of issues, debates over something intresting (high end vs. ACM could be a start).....basically things that people wouldn't want to browse forever to find. One thing I would love is an episode dedicated to fixing small problems that we all encounter in airsoft.....that would truly be helpful.


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