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Tactical Airsoft Review Magazine

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  • 2 weeks later...
Looks good! Do the unconventional urban tactics involve... hiding in storm drains?! ^_^
You'll have to read about it on August 1st ;) . But, to answer your question, to a certain degree: sort-of. There's gonig to be much more, but you'll just have to wait for the issue & then you'll see. Some of the tactics may not be practicable in airsoft in all areas, but they can (and do) apply to real world operators that also play airsoft.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Good stuff for sure!! Thanks for the info. Just noticed that it's the same dude, same gear, in the same spot for the other mag cover woot lol.
Yes, it is in fact, the same dude. That is me, Maj. Patrick Scott, U.S. Army (Medically Retired). That is also from the same photo shoot. I am a staff writer for U.S.A.S.O.C. Magazine, President of the American Airsoft Association, and the Owner/Editor of Tactical Airsoft Review Magazine. To say I am involved in Airsoft would be pretty accurate...don't you think? LOL


I hope you all enjoy my new magazine and make suggestions for future issues.

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Is there a particular reason why you're not part of USASOC in that case, rather than having two mags?


Not having a go (far from it - I have some involvement with USASOC on an upcoming article anyway), just interested. Difference of content (i.e. milsim vs 'actionsofter', etc)?

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