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element WA M4 parts


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Really? must admit I've not seen elements versions of those parts at any of the usual suspects up till now (either described as element or with those particular prices)


eg steel selector was the 8 to 10 bucks ambi one, the steel sear was a 7 dollar one that looked a bit rough around the edges and only steel trigger other than G&P or Ino branded ones was the 'JDT' branded one that ebbaybanned stuck up a week or so ago (trigger and sear 20-odd bucks)


Same goes for the CQB barrel - theres been couple of 9 and 10 inch straight profile barrels but neither comes with an extension or slots cut for front sight block only other cheapy barrel was the multi part steel barrel kit.


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That's true, PX-Airsoft for example has them already.


PX airsoft has them listed today hardly "quite some time" is it? Att ime I spotted them on gunners I didnt even see an 18th september new products entry on PX's site latest dated one on display was the 13th.


While they also have the hammer that gunner didnt have listed, they dont have the bolt carrier listed yet.


If I'd seen them listed on there first Id have posted the images from there - doesnt make a monkeys difference to me who is selling what, in future why not just post "PX airsoft has them now too" if you're that keen on giving them a plug at every opportunity instead of acting like a fanny..

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Alloy? Thats like saying its made out of two or more materials mixed together. Potmetal is an alloy. Alloy what? Wouldn't buy it unless Element can claim EXACTLY what alloy it is. Otherwise its potentially just like any other carrier on the market right now which make no claim to specific alloy or post manufacturing hardening/tempering. The WA design is such that without the correct materials the part will fail. The workaround is either a redesign or stronger materials. Its a bit too late for a redesign. What the WA system needs is a heat treated, preferably case hardened high strength steel carrier.


my .02

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Alloy? Thats like saying its made out of two or more materials mixed together. Potmetal is an alloy. Alloy what? Wouldn't buy it unless Element can claim EXACTLY what alloy it is. Otherwise its potentially just like any other carrier on the market right now which make no claim to specific alloy or post manufacturing hardening/tempering. The WA design is such that without the correct materials the part will fail. The workaround is either a redesign or stronger materials. Its a bit too late for a redesign. What the WA system needs is a heat treated, preferably case hardened high strength steel carrier.


my .02


i run the prime CNC Bolt Carrier for Western Arms. tis never failed on my G&P woc, through almost 100 magazines. (it is SUPER light compared to the original G&P bolt carrier!!!!!) It doesn't have anywhere near the recoil of the original G&P bolt with the airsoft surgeon 140% recoil spring but damn it cycles sooooo fast!!


Come to think NO part has failed on my gun thus far, i have only had one issue on field with the gun itself where the trigger pin came halfway out and i had to remove trigger assembly to reline it (my fault for over lubing most likely but i play in desert so yeah lube is nice lol). Magazines though...god cursed magazines lol. excuse my tangent! :D

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PX airsoft has them listed today hardly "quite some time" is it? Att ime I spotted them on gunners I didnt even see an 18th september new products entry on PX's site latest dated one on display was the 13th.


While they also have the hammer that gunner didnt have listed, they dont have the bolt carrier listed yet.


If I'd seen them listed on there first Id have posted the images from there - doesnt make a monkeys difference to me who is selling what, in future why not just post "PX airsoft has them now too" if you're that keen on giving them a plug at every opportunity instead of acting like a fanny..

Why are you so angry and insult me with foul language?


Are you annoyed because you wanted to promote Gunners? There are many other good retailers out there: Marine Shop, Redwolf, Ebaybanned, RSOV and yes PX-Airsoft. I named PX because I know they have your referred items too or do you want us to only buy from your preferred shop?

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Why are you so angry and insult me with foul language?


Are you annoyed because you wanted to promote Gunners? There are many other good retailers out there: Marine Shop, Redwolf, Ebaybanned, RSOV and yes PX-Airsoft. I named PX because I know they have your refered items too and lots more and not just a steel Bolt Carrier, but a complete CNC Steel Bolt Carrier Group.


I'll spell it out for you then shall I?


I post items that have just turned up on an HK website I couldnt give a flying donkeys *fruitcage* which one The reason I mentioned which site had them was purely for the info of those reading the thread so they could go and look for themselves as is custom and practice on here


Ive done the same in past with items on EBB RATech Daytonagun and other sites too possibly even PX airsoft


someone suggests those items had maybe "been out for a while"


I post that I havent seen them elsewhere before


you come along and claim that what the other guy is saying is true cos PX airsoft has them already..


so thats true that "they've been out for a while" is it?


When I go onto their site after you post that to take a look (in order to ammend my thread or ask to have my "old news" deleted) do I then find that I've somehow been an unobservant tit and missed them, that whaddaya know yes KWP is right they had been there for a while


No I dont, instead I find that Ive been sent on a wild goosechase cos the PX website hasnt had them for a while after all Nopes instead its suddenly been updated, with those listed as NEW items added that very day


Now I know this is the internet but FFS get a grip Out for while even in airsoft internet terms means a week or two, NOT posted on PX airsoft AFTER Id already mentioned they'd shown up elsewhere..


Indeed when I spotted them on gunners it was immediately after having visited PX airsoft - and at the time I spotted them on gunners and opened the thread on here PX airsoft were still displaying 13th September items as their latest update.


In otherwords you came out with complete *badger*s in order to give the impression that your pet site (who you plug incessantly including in the above message prior to your edit) had them before anyone else, has had them for a while and thus the thread wasnt news. When all you actually needed to say was that PX now has them too. I hate to break it you but in my book that IS acting like a fanny.


So for sake of completeness EBbanned has most of them now Airsoft Global has some of them now and PX airsoft has most of them now too

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i run the prime CNC Bolt Carrier for Western Arms. tis never failed on my G&P woc, through almost 100 magazines. (it is SUPER light compared to the original G&P bolt carrier!!!!!) It doesn't have anywhere near the recoil of the original G&P bolt with the airsoft surgeon 140% recoil spring but damn it cycles sooooo fast!!


Come to think NO part has failed on my gun thus far, i have only had one issue on field with the gun itself where the trigger pin came halfway out and i had to remove trigger assembly to reline it (my fault for over lubing most likely but i play in desert so yeah lube is nice lol). Magazines though...god cursed magazines lol. excuse my tangent! :D


Mileage, of course, varies. You have fared much better than others who have posted over in the AGM and related review threads.

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