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Bloody hell it was cold out yesterday wasn’t it? Glad you agree. If you were an English woodland airsofter then not 36 hours ago would you have been rubbing your hands, avoiding lurking in the high terrain, making more than a few (dozen) trips to the car and sporadically taking nips of brandy to keep out the chilliest chill we’ve yet seen this year, or so I believe.


I only believe it was the chilliest because I personally felt colder than I have done before in this winter; it may actually have been colder on other skirmish days but, for one reason or another, I wasn’t jumping about the place so much as I normally would have, and should have been. Ergo – I froze!!


The day was good, not great but good, and I learned a few things of import:


#1: the Marui SR-16 is not worth buying, from my POV. This comes as, well, pretty arbitrary news really seeing as it wasn’t and still wont be on The List, but it was the gun I was going to get as my second one ever, but I never did, and its nice to know that from where I stand now its not actually an enthralling prospect. Feels kinda like I’ve had one of those unimportant yet curious questions about airsoft resolved after many years of idle pondering. Which is nice.


#2: The HFC M712 Carbine is a very nice prospect indeed. Stu had just brought one himself, and thanks to the meagre turnout for the skirmish (only 110 people altogether, and by lunchtime we had about 10 more marshals thanks to the gruelling, practically evil site that we were on) we could get 5 cars from our group and skirmish associates lined up together and located very near to the game entry-point, allowing much laziness and ease of ammo/mags/guns/coffee/brandy procurement. And plenty of time to play with other people's new toys!!


#3: Ground Zero’s alternative site sucks. In the winter, at least. Nearly half the entire game area on these obtrusive `2nd Sundays of the month` is an open hillside, and, while hilly enough to provide cover for some areas, it is next to useless for single shot weapons (which I was limited to) and basically just isn’t a patch on the regular site; not by a long way.


#4: If you’re gonna give out guns to a bunch of your mates it’s nice if you can, between the 5 of you, remember one for the evil hippy in your number. That’s right, we had AEGs for everyone except me rolleyes.gif I was `reduced` to using a gas bolt-action rifle and 2 gas pistols on a day as cold as Sunday.


Go me. I’m just soooo clever dry.gif


Crucially, however, this facilitated the, admittedly indifferent, revelation on this here list at #1 in this here list because I borrowed an SR-16 for a while and just didn’t get on with it, and also it made me very much aware that I need to be delegating sh!t to these other guys who are using my gear, and possibly even making them buy the Delta Peak charger I really need instead of me forking out for it. Which leads us neatly into:


#5: Batteries still suck. Or at least the charging aspect of the batteries sucks. Without any proper charger it is simply a nightmare trying to get everything ready, as Shard pointed out its akin to a military operation getting them all done, and that b*st*rd-sonofab*tch *fruitcage* ing sh!tty *fruitcage* ing charger I’ve got is still as inexplicable as ever. Along with having everyone else kitted out with rifles I did infact have a spare, in fact, we had 2 spare but predictably enough, the hours and hours we spent getting them “charged” was nothing other than a complicated exercise in futility.


I *fruitcage* ing hate batteries. Them guys is getting that Delta Peak, oh yes.


Still had fun and still got to finally use the Tanaka K98. Wooo!! Got the hop set to just about the right distance every time then I get out into a firing position and the hop has re-set itself laugh.gif bloody thing, I never had a good ammo flight-path all day, and I had the bead on plenty of people. Oh well.


Troubles with the alternative site also include the domination of the two available bases, and that the only way into the game is right past a field of fire of one base, way to go everyone dry.gif It really can’t be helped and it basically makes each team stay in their base and do nothing.


As it was the organisers broke the min game off before 2pm and staged assaults for the remaining few hours, no idea how that went however as I was sat in the carpark for about 3 hours with no gun (Dan had rejoined the assault with his SR-16) and a bit worse the wear for those nips of Brandy wink.gif ‘Twas a fine bourbon in fact, and basically I just couldn’t help myself rofl.gifvodka.gif


One thing I hate even having to mention is that there are cheats working their way into Ground Zero??!!!? Now this is infuriating, and heavily contributed to my not-being-arsed-ness in the afternoon. I blatantly got someone at the very start of the game, and his cheating tarnished the whole day for me. It was so bloody cheeky as well, like I was hitting a size 8 guy hiding behind a size 5 tree, but still he, and his mate, flagrantly ignored all the etiquette and good manners that makes this sport so great, in favour of selfishness, rudeness and what can only be described as offensively fraudulent behaviour.


Hit by an M3 shorty no less than 3 times at a range of 40 feet or less, and he still thought he would ge away with it. Unbelievable. I clearly heard the shots smack off his assault vest (shots on the tree were clearly shots hitting tree bark and the sound of hits on his gear were clear and cringeworthingly obvious) and he simply ignored them all. Every few second him & his mate would poke their guns at me around either side of the tree, then recoil as I hit them because I fired as soon as I saw movement knowing what they were trying to do; they weren't even any good at the damn game, probably why they feel the need to abuse the system and not take their bloody hits mad.gif There has been more and more of this lately and I’m not happy.


It seems to me that a lot of younger players who are now coming into the game are simply being c**ts to the rest of us by cheating, and out of the 5 or 6 times I took a hit on Sunday in fact I actually felt it only once, I was so p**sed off at these cheating brats; and the next time I got someone with that little shotgun they simply ignored it too; that I gave whoever was shooting at me the benefit of the doubt on principal throughout the day.


But anyway, that’s (almost) enough from me. I’m sure you have homes to go to or something wink.gif


One other thing thats arisen from Sunday is that we might actually have to have some sort of `team meeting` on a semi-regular basis - a scary thought for someone as congenitally disorganised as myself; but how else am I gonna con them all into buying me a shiny new charger??! biggrin.gif


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Im going to have to agree with you on more than one point there mate. Frankly, even as a sniper to which site b is probably more suited to, i think its parp. As i posted on the zeroin forums, its too open. This means everyone can generally see eachother moving about, it limits the options for moving about, and it makes everyone reluctant to push foward. It generally just encourages long range engagements that come to not a lot more than ammo wasting stalemates. It might be better in summer with the ferns grown up, but it is ###### in winter without a doubt.


The other site is completely different. It has excellent and varied cover that allows many different options for moving about / ambushes etc etc without being seen so readily. It is also a lot more exciting due to this unpredicability regarding where the opfor actually are / could be.


I've also got to say that between the first time i went at Site A, last time at Site B, and this time at Site B, the cheating has gone up markedly from my experience. First two times i never saw a great deal of younger players really attending, but yesterday there were a great deal more. The amount of hit calling was also lacking in more than one occasion to me. Like you i had a few problems which i guess are probably down to the distances of engagement, so i will let them go to me missing. However the person i shot in the face, watching their reaction of pain / suprise, to then duck behind a tree did ###### me off. To then hit them again in the shoulder for them still not to take the hit was a joke. It was bloody hard work sniping in that wind yesterday without being denied the reward when i pulled it off.


I will still continue to go the GZ as, prior to yesterday, i hadnt ever had any major issues at all. I certainly prefer the site for sniping, but i think i might well forget the idea of attending on site B weekends from now on. It was quite worrying to see one young guy on Delta have to be shot by a marshall on F/A in order to take his hits, despite having been shouted "Your hit mate" and "The guy lying down, you been hit". Even then after having been marshall killed he asked why he had been shot !


It looks like the next Combat South Urban day is the day Site B will fall on (April 9th). Might be worth giving that a try for a change and avoiding Site B too. (On the brightside looks like 23rd April & May 7th are both Site A as well as a couple of night games that could be a laugh in April & May). You know you want to go crazy with some dual pistol / smg action wink.gif

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