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About n00b3r

  • Rank
    Strider SnG: Not just for stabbing people.

Additional Information

  • Toy collection
    TM VSR-10 RealShock-Sold
    KWC Sigma 40F
    Western Arms SV Infinity Concealed Carry 3.9 -Sold
    Western Arms SV ProKiller F5 -Sold
    Western Arms Kimber TLE/RL II Full Metal - Sold
    Western Arms Kimber MARSOC Full Metal - Sold
    Western Arms SW1911 Silver Limited - Sold
    KSC USP Full Size Full Metal- Sold
    Western Arms Xcelerator limited - Sold
    Western Arms SVI 6 Inch Expert (Dream gun...) Full Metal- Sold
    Western Arms Wilson Combat Tactical Supergrade
    TM P90 TR (soon to be RDV)
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  • Location
    Queens, NY
  1. Decided to "pimp" my SnG: Kinda looks like an AR now. Could be a cool little project for you buck strider owners out there.
  2. Pretty easy, just file about 1mm from the side.
  3. Tell me that is NOT a blue frame...
  4. Gunner grips have circular dimples, while Kimber's rip off has ovalar dimples.
  5. Noob question: Is it possible to hook up an external rig? OT: AMD FTW!
  6. w00t! Superior American education wins! j/k. Marine: If you want to be REALLY sure that the slide wont break in two years, you could always fashion a flow restricter from an old CC.
  7. Just leave it alone..... SCW2s are GG ready out of the box.
  8. While putting more stress on the front section of the slide during the first stage of blowback, and more stress on the BBU/Hop unit when the slide slams home...
  9. Um...you know that a stronger spring will put MORE pressure/force/wear on the slide stop/notch right?
  10. Hehe.... That explains it. Never seen one stick out like that before.
  11. Mind posting a pic of the lower frame without the slide? Looks like it has an inner dustcover...
  12. mmmmhmmmm.... cancer gun... Just wondering, does anyone here know how to order from Yahoo! Auctions Japan?
  13. If you just want to use the BBU, then any metal kit will do. If you want to use the striker pin styled hammer sytem, then you should go with a magna frame.
  14. Quick question: Is it accurate?
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