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About enzo100

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Additional Information

  • Toy collection
    ICS M4 RIS w/ Eotech 552
    TM AK w/ the works
    CA M249
    KSC M9
    Assorted Sprigers
  • Most likely to say
    Sold....what to buy now?
  • Country
    United States

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  • Location
    Wanting more airsoft, USA

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  1. Aw man Titelist freaking amazing as always mate You and wannabe look quite similar behind blur
  2. Any more pictures? Awesome stuff. I haven't been to an air show since i was 5 when I saw a ground re-enactment, played with a AA gun, and got a "Top Gun" flight suit that I used to wear all the time to kindergarten I saw some stunt pilots in bi planes and such practicing for a show in rhode island, that was amazing, all of the stalls and such. Glad you had a good time
  3. That's unusal, but I like it :gasp:
  4. Whitefeathers back! Nice stuff mate, how ya been?
  5. MMM... Oakleys with ultra tactical brain scanners for medical condition updates...
  6. enzo100

    Armalite Pictures

    *salutes American Armalite goodness*
  7. Im soo tempted to buy one right now...but i feel like i dont need it, but ooooohhh do i want it...
  8. The pants on the bottom right are Tru Spec, the rest is Propper.
  9. More MARPAT and new paracord laces for my boots, tied Corps style
  10. Nice YE MP5. Where you getting it from? I loved mine to bits until it became too much to work with. Be prepared to shell out for repairs.
  11. enzo100

    Armalite Pictures

    Mod: Carrera GT sweet
  12. cre....what...oh coyote...pft...um...tissue?
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