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About camo89

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  • Birthday 07/25/1989

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  • Airsofter since
  • Toy collection
    Uber custom TM vsr 10|TM famas (project)| Maruzen fold
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  1. Here's something that i made some time ago, but got actually finishing it just a few weeks ago (well almost finished) vsr 10 What you guys think of it?
  2. Here is my almost finished project 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 This took weeks to finish ( well it's not technically finished, because i have still some little work to do for it) This thing has about 4 joules of power too, so it should keep heads down nicely If you have some questions, just ask away...
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