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Everything posted by yosser

  1. an interview with Ratty from Badger Tac about the CTW taken at the May AAF5 show which some might find interesting: "http://www.youtube.com/embed/dnde_bPYLIg"
  2. maybe jumped the gun - or pulled the trigger a little too quickly - we all live and learn though - great result though
  3. I wonder if the people who got your original e-mail where in a similiar position considering how popular this is going to be! and with the custom options available - its comments like that - that do upset people and their lively-hoods. I hope you've mentioned the above on the other forums as well about how happy you now are!
  4. firstly can i add that i dont work for swat - or support bad customer service - however many companies that operate 'custom services' wouldnt have been so generous - although i have no idea about statutory rights under the sales of good act etc - but when ordering a custom product often if a spelling or mistake is made by the customer - which Heath freely admits he may not have been so lucky. I have no idea about how often e-mails or things should be checked - but I'm not surgically attached to a pc and i dont expect others to be either, no defending just pointing out how easily missed the
  5. thought you guys might like this: enjoy
  6. owning the ics 552 its good to see a different one being reviewed and seeing whats the same/better/worse type thing - thanks Dave
  7. I've reviewed the ICS SiG552 here: http://airsoftodyssey.blogspot.com/2009/02/ics-sig-552-commando-review.html although I'm not sure it has the kind of detail some of you guys want etc. I wasnt keen on stripping it right down. Over the time I've had her she's been great and none of the double feed issues some people on some forums have referred to. With an 11.1v Lipo i was getting 1120 RPM out of her1 not sure i can carry enough ammo at that rate! I would love to get a battery operated drum/c mag type thing for it. Anyone have any info on what that works rather than modding 2 s
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