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  1. not to double post but after testing today, if decided these are awful, i cant get them to feed a full magazine without me having to wack them to get the follower to move up, even when less then 75 bb's are loaded.
  2. To answer the question about the caps on the mags. I had to drill very carefully to get the cover to pop off. They are glued to the mag and also locked with little tabs, i noticed that the mags are extremely finicky when it comes to loading, when the say 75 bb's , they mean 75. two of my mags had bb's get caught behind the followers and in turn jammed the mag. This led to me "drilling" the caps off and pulling the spring and followers out. i had to make new ABS caps after the issue was fixed.
  3. kepp

    WE G39C GBB

    if you have the pin you can simply use a glue or epoxy (in a small amount and be very careful not to glue the assembly together) the pin into the hole. i don't know the exact technical terms i might be able to take a couple pictures to help you tomorrow. if you don't the pin i unfortunately don't know where to find spares.
  4. kepp

    WE G39C GBB

    your problem might be when the hammer falls it hits a pin which can fall out and create the problem your experiencing . it has happened to me and so far a little epoxy has solved the problem. When you take your gun down. cock the hammer back and look in front of it if you don't see a little pin that is your problem
  5. kepp

    WE G39C GBB

    for the life of me i cannot get the nut to loosen im worried about snapping the body im turning that hard did anyone have the much trouble getting it off or any tips. so if these are noob questions.
  6. kepp

    WE G39C GBB

    well ive come a cross a pretty.... interesting problem, when im firing the BCG seems to grab the hop-up and pull it out. so when i rack the bolt back the entire hop-up and barrel comes with it. any ideas why its doing it or how to fix it?
  7. kepp

    WE G39C GBB

    thanks for the fast reply
  8. kepp

    WE G39C GBB

    So my G36 came in today... and when i opened the box i was greeted by a awesome looking and feeling gun... other then that i have a problem... i put the magazine in pull the charging handle back fired a couple shots when the bolt wouldn't go into full battery... i pulled the mag out and part of the bolt lock fell out ... Stupid pot metal... so my question is where can i find a replacement? ive emailed the company i ordered it from also.
  9. kepp

    WE G39C GBB

    thank you. im excited for it now, just one last thing what type of lube/grease are you using?
  10. kepp

    WE G39C GBB

    So i took the plunge into the GBBR world... I order my G39 just now and I'm just wondering if there any things i should do as soon as it hits my door step?
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