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Leaking M92f Magazine


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I have a M92f magazine which is leaking slowly, but audibly every time I fill it. I've used a full can of green gas since I've had it with no problems, and have just switched to 134a (although I don't think that's the reason for it breaking).


Last time I went skirmishing, it was cold, and despite trying to keep the mag warm in an inside pocket, the gas was expelled all in one go after 3/4 shots. I've seen this happen before in cold weather, and since then the mag has been leaking.


It appears to be leaking from the front of the mag, at the bottom (where the spring is), although I can't feel any gas coming out of anywhere at all on the mag so I can't be certain.


What can I do to fix it? Somebody told me it could be the O-ring, but I thought that was at the valve at the top? I also don't know how to disassemble the mag :unsure: so I'd appreciate some help with that too.



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De-gas mag.


Take the cotter pin driver and drive out the two pins at the bottom of the mag.


Inspect seals.


Replace any seal or oring with viton material rings, which is ideal for airsoft needs.


Reassemble and test.



This is a guideline...if your not sure what I am talking about find someone that can help you before you try anything...you would not want to break something trying to disassemble the mag.

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For a start, gas it up and immerse it in water to see where the leak is coming from...


Assuming that it's coming from around the baseplate then here's a trick you could try, I'm not guarenteeing it will work, but it may save you dismantling your mag.


Firstly let all the gas out, carefully.

Next unscrew the filler valve in the baseplate.

Fill the mag, about halfway if you can estimate that, with hot water - the hotter the better. Be careful.

Give it a moment or two and then replace the filler valve.

Immerse the mag in cold water and leave it for a few hours.


If the mag seals have been blown outwards (by use of too high a pressure gas for example) then the cold water will rob the hot water - and the hot air/steam above it - of energy and it will contract. This creates a pressure differencial between the inside and the outside and the water outside tries to get in. It will push the seal back into place.

If the reverse the procedure (putting a mag full of cold water (and air) into hot water) it will push the seals outwards, though you do need to get it out before the water gets too cold. For best results put the apparent leak to the bottom.


If you try this you will need to add extra lube and run through three or four mags worth of gas to dry the mag out a little, then you'll need to clean and lube the gun again.

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