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For the last year I've been quietly looking forward to the CA249.


There are plenty of guns which I like the look of but I really haven't seen any rifle which I still want to buy. I still want a GBB M11, Uzi or TMP, for laughs, but aside from that I'm just about done buying guns.


The one exception is a Minimi of some sort. When I heard that CA was making an M249 I was interested. Then I heard that they planned on selling it for only a little more than the price of a normal AEG.


At the time I first heard this news I recall responding to a post by Antagon saying that I'd be surprised if they can manufacture a gun from sheet alloy rivetted together for anything like even double the price of an AEG. Cynical old Sid, eh? :rolleyes:


So, now it's been announced on Arnies news page that the price of the CA249 will be "between $1000 and $1200". Bugger!

And that's for the solid stock version. What's the betting that the Para and RIS versions will cost a whole bundle more?


The common sense bit of my head tells me that the CA249 is pointless anyway. It only shoots BBs as fast and hard as my MP5 so why bother with one?

The other bit of my brain (the bit that likes toys and, hence, airsoft) was really looking forward to having the biggest damned gun on the field.


I guess I can still buy one but that RRP has really took the shine off it for me. If it'd been the original "somewhere around double the price of an AEG" then it would have been the airsoft buy of the century.


Just thought I'd share that. :(

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So, now it's been announced on Arnies news page that the price of the CA249 will be "between $1000 and $1200". Bugger!



dry your eyes, youve had plenty of time to save for it. you cant really have expected an airsoft gun of that size for less than 500-600 quid??

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Personally I think this a good think, it'll help preserve the rarity of the 249 :) In fact what took the shine off it for me was the fact that I'd heard it was gonna be so cheap, were that the case I wouldn't be surprised to see everyman and his dog running round with one :(


So, yeah, that's me happy. I will be getting one aswell BTW. I need at least another two Minimi's to acompany my TOP NATO CUSTOM one :)

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They should do a car financing style kind of thing with guns over 1000 USD...down payment of 500, and pay 25 USD for 20 months...hahaha..


but that won't happen.


sigh...stinking overpriced companies...


When I heard about the P90 being released 4 years ago I was thinking there was going to be a high price due to the rarity of the gun...apparently not.

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I guess prices may drop a bit, atleast Top will have to sell theirs cheaper, maybe it will make CA lower theirs too.

But I guess the CA will be the choice for most people, even if they have problems at first, they'll still be better than Top's, atleast if all the stuff CA has shown so far is on the production models. I think they're cheap compared to what you get.

Somebody should design a highspeed & highpower gearbox for lmg:s, people should use standard mags etc etc etc, but that's enough ranting from me :)

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I think it will drop dramatically in prdocution models. TOP has a competitor (or actually a company crushing nemisis) and this will proabably cause both companies to drop more. However I believe CA will lower the price. Once the production gets rolling, the prices will probably drop. Hopefully it will go for about $600-$700 if things go right. Also as acessories increase they will come out with PARA's and RIS versions and then the PARA-RIS and then all this other crazy stuff too keep up on their cashing in. I personally think the M249 is way overpriced, forget keeping it rare...as big as it is I know not to many people would still get one. Especially when carrying a lightweight weapon that is suited for CQB and Outdoors play seems to be the big dealers (G36c, M4, AK47 Folding stock)

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Looks Like I may have to wait a little longer to get one then...:(


Ah well, as others have said, I'm sure the price will drop. And Iexpet hte usual CA teething problems anyway, so by the time they are fine, the price should be lower.

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yes you are rite.


keep the $$ for something more interesting~~



For the last year I've been quietly looking forward to the CA249.


There are plenty of guns which I like the look of but I really haven't seen any rifle which I still want to buy. I still want a GBB M11, Uzi or TMP, for laughs, but aside from that I'm just about done buying guns.


The one exception is a Minimi of some sort. When I heard that CA was making an M249 I was interested. Then I heard that they planned on selling it for only a little more than the price of a normal AEG.


At the time I first heard this news I recall responding to a post by Antagon saying that I'd be surprised if they can manufacture a gun from sheet alloy rivetted together for anything like even double the price of an AEG. Cynical old Sid, eh?  :rolleyes:


So, now it's been announced on Arnies news page that the price of the CA249 will be "between $1000 and $1200". Bugger!

And that's for the solid stock version. What's the betting that the Para and RIS versions will cost a whole bundle more?


The common sense bit of my head tells me that the CA249 is pointless anyway. It only shoots BBs as fast and hard as my MP5 so why bother with one?

The other bit of my brain (the bit that likes toys and, hence, airsoft) was really looking forward to having the biggest damned gun on the field.


I guess I can still buy one but that RRP has really took the shine off it for me. If it'd been the original "somewhere around double the price of an AEG" then it would have been the airsoft buy of the century.


Just thought I'd share that. :(

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Personally I think this a good think, it'll help preserve the rarity of the 249 :) In fact what took the shine off it for me was the fact that I'd heard it was gonna be so cheap, were that the case I wouldn't be surprised to see everyman and his dog running round with one :(


So, yeah, that's me happy. I will be getting one aswell BTW. I need at least another two Minimi's to acompany my TOP NATO CUSTOM one :)


To be honest... I don't think it'll be as popular as many would think it will be because... well it's a damn heavy gun and will require some work to keep up and running to spec. Lots of people like the PSG-1 as it's a great sniping platform... but you don't see many people running around with one.


Personally I'm gonna get a para for cqb and maybe if I can get rid of my M4 long style for woodland. It'll be a nice change :D.


Alex "Col Sanders"

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To be honest... I don't think it'll be as popular as many would think it will be because... well it's a damn heavy gun and will require some work to keep up and running to spec. Lots of people like the PSG-1 as it's a great sniping platform... but you don't see many people running around with one.





Yep, why carry a gigantic 249 when you can just slap a CMag and various ###### onto a tiny Mp5k? It'll only be popular with milsim'ers.


As for the PSG1, you sure? It's a pile, a huge steaming pile. Worthless stock, even worse "upgraded".

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Quite honestly, I'm extremely disappointed. The low cost wouldn't gotten quite a few people to buy them who wouldn't have otherwise. More options is more good.


Originally, I had posted that I dreaded seeing M249-filled games, but the weight issue addressed here is a reminder that even if the gun had come in at $500-600, the flood of them would have been short-lived. People would have quickly gone back to their M4s.


It currently seems that there aren't enough decent LMGs on the market. There also aren't enough guys willing to lay down the cash for purchase and the greater amount for maintenance. Of course, I'm an advocate because I like to sneak up behind the panting guy with heavy gear and cap him. More slow targets.

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It doesn't seem likely that they'll come out with a proper lmg any time soon does it?

A "proper" LMG?

What do you mean? A higher ROF and better range? Not having a go. Just wonder what you'd like to see different to a regular AEG. :)


On that note, I'd be more inclined to think the CA249 was worth the money if it did somehing really clever like fired 2 BBs at the same time, through 2 barrels, or something like that.

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I really would have liked to see it at a lower price. I would have bought one, as I play a legitimate squad support role in games and a 249 would have been perfect.


Oh well, I guess I'll just have to go for the SHRIKE project I'd been planning when/if I get back into skirmishing.

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