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Raging Bull owners


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Sledge, Prancing, and all other Bull owners where are you? (info-mercial voice) "Do you have a Raging Bull? Do you suffer from squishy grips? Are you embarrased to show off your hand canon because it feels cheap? Well, here is the secret to make your Raging Bull feel like it should!" O.K. enough of that. I just discovered how to fix the squishy grip problem. I was making a light up Harry Potter magic wand for a friend at work when I came to a realization. I was using a modeling clay made by Crayola (the crayon maker) called "hobby clay". This is a white clay that appears to be "foam" based and not "clay" based. It feels like a giant marshmallow. It air dries, unlike celluclay or fimo which have to be baked. When dry, after about 24 hours, it has the consistency of a stale marshmallow. Hard, but still a little squish to it. Well, I sprayed the frame and tank with silicone and took some of this clay and pressed it into the grip panels of the 'Bull, after some fitting and trimming the excess, I got the panels back together. I then put some heavy duty rubber bands around the grips and let it sit overnight, the results were amazing to say the least! The gun now feels very solid in your hand. No more squishy grips! You can find this in an arts and craft store. It comes in a silver mylar bag and costs about $4.00. If anyone decides to try this, and I highly suggest you do, post back with your thoughts. Cheers!

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