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CA aegs


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i wanted to know wats bad about the classic army aegs, im getting a M15A4 so i would prefer if people told me negative things about the specific aeg (M15A4)

Wats bad about it and why,

what can i do to avoid/repair this at a cheap and decent price

and dont talk me into buying another aeg from onther comany ie ICS lol



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The spring guide is a weak point of CA guns.


The whole damned gun is metal and they insist on making the spring guide out of plastic. I dunno if the latest version of the CA gearbox still has a plastic spring guide. If it does it'll break anywhere after about 2000 shots.


It's no big deal. Replacement METAL part is about £10 and a couple of hours to fit using some allen keys and a couple of screwdrivers.


I warn you now, though, your gun WILL seize up because of the broken spring guide. If you continue to pull the trigger you'll burn out wires and, possibly, mangle up your gearbox terminally.


When (not if) the spring guide breaks and the guns seizes you simply put it away and realise that it's over for the day.


Alternatively, of course, you could spend the extra £10-£15 now and carry the replacement and tools to every skirmish so you're ready when it happens.


I'm a big fan of modern CA guns btw but a broken spring guide is 99% certain at some point. Unless they've finally stopped making them out of plastic, that is.


Beyond that I'd just say not to abuse your gun. Just cos it's made out of metal it isn't indestructable. They are[/], after all, only toys and dropping them, leaning on them and generally giving them a hard time can easily bend the barrel or, worse, break it off completely.

I nearly had this happen with my MP5SD2. I left it on a table and somebody knocked it off, bending the whole forend a small amount. I was worried the metal would crack so I heated it up with a blowlamp before I bent it straight again. A very complex operation, I can tell you!

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got to say that I shot about 20,000 rounds before I changed my spring guide, and when I changed it it was mostly since I changed other parts in the gearbox to silence it.

Noone else I know of have had their spring guide break. however since it is plastic there is always the chance that it will. My experience with broken spring guides is usualy in accompanied with a stupidly strong spring upgrades.


My CA M15A4 havent a had a problem internal or external since I bought it over a year ago. I have lubed it and maintained it evry now and then when it has been used alot, and I asume that why its still alive :)

Propper care usualy extend the life of most products.

On that note I like to add that my gun have been nearly submerged (though no wather entered the gearbox nor any battery connectors), been trough a winter full of snow and dirt, and in general been used alot. and its still kicking.


However I do hear stories of bad hop-up rubber, in this case buy firefly rubber and your fine.

Some also complain about bad selector plate, this is a fairly easy fix aswell.

And in general all other small itchy bugs that most AEGs have.

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