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Bowman PRR Headset Project.


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Ok, so I just recently got a Bowan PRR and a Pryme PTT and cable setup. It all looks great except that I have a couple of questions for those of you who have the Bowman headset out there and/or know their radio electronics:


1. How (as in what kind of adapter do I need) do I connect the headset to the PTT setup?

2. How (again as in what kind of adapter) do I connect the PTT setup to my radio, a typical Motorola, one plug Talkabout 6000 series).


Ok, a little extra background (and pics):



Ok, here's the whole setup....



The Pryme plug (larger) vs. the little headset plug for my radio.



PTT Button 4 prong male that hooks up to headset



A smaller 5 Prong (sorry you can't see it) male hook up for the Bowman headset.


I'd appreciate any help with this.



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I've done the conversion along with Carson on this forum. It's pretty easy to do if you have the right tools, knowledge, etc.


It's even handier if you have a guide to tell you what to do, which I shall gift you with: http://royalmarines.mine.nu/engineer_files/prr.php :D


We both found it easier to wire the Bownman headset straight into the radio. Taking the speaker headset cable and attaching it to the speaker point on the PCB of the radio itself. Then doing the same with the Microphone. It works fine, plus looks cool. PM Carson if you want more detailed advice, as he's the electronics buddy I did it with. (Plus his has a PTT, mine doesn't, so might be more helpful to you!)


Good luck, and Enjoy! :D

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What you will need to do, is either find a male connector for the PTT's female socket (4 prong connector), and cut of the Bowmans Socket and then solder the correct wires to the PTT Switch.

You could do it the other way around, but it is very hard to find the Bowman Female socket for the headset and it would require modifying the PTT switch a little.


The best advice i can give you, is to find someone that is willing to do this for you, as you would need to make sure that you have the correct wires connected together. Otherwise, you may end up with what sould be the mic input on the PTT, actually being connected to the Speaker on the Bowman Headset, or Visa Versa.


You will also need a pair of steady hands, a good soldering iron, some Solder, Wire cutters, and some spare time on your hands.


Hope this info helps,





P.S. Hey Vin :lol:

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Excellent advice gents!! It definitely points on the right direction. I think finding the appropriate 4 point prong from Pryme and hook it up to the headset might be easier than the other way around.

Vindicare, that schematic helps a lot.

Thanks for the input!

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im just finished one myself. i had an existing motorola headset and chopped the end off and wired it to the bowman cable.


it took a couple of attempts to figure out which wires where speaker ones and which ones belonged to the mic but its done now and it is the t*ts!!

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Look here for the correct plug etc:




...and here's some building info for using a Clansman or Nexus PTT which will cross over to a Pryme:



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