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Prime Diplomat Outer Barrel


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I modified a Madbull M733 Aluminum Outer Barrel to the Diplomat length for my Custom M4. Wasn't hard to do. But what I like about the Prime one is that it's aesthetically more accurate with the proper barrel cuts and widths and markings... what I probably won't like about it is the price. Prime's never cheap. <_<


Edit: Can anyone tell from the description if the threading is 14mm +/-?

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I'm after a 7.5" barrel for a project, but I doubt I'm going to be willing to pay Prime prices for one.

Dude, go with a Madbull M733 outer barrel. The aluminum outer barrel pulls out of the barrel base so you just cut off however much you want the barrel to be shorter and slide the barrel back into the base. Easy as pie!


14mm + threading (clockwise).


And it'll set you back about USD 200 for this beauty. More if you're after the steel version.

I really don't get that. The vast majority of airsoft aftermarket manufacturers make their thread's 14mm CCW. Only G&P seems adamant about sticking to a CW threading. Selling barrels with CW threading means that the majority of buyers will have to buy dedicated flashhiders just for that setup. <_<

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uscmCorps - I agree 100%. They (G&P, PRIME, WA) should really switch over to counterclockwise threading instead of insisting on going against the grain. If they designed their products to be compatible with more aftermarket parts there'd be a much higher chance that we'll buy those products. Of course PRIME found out the hard way when they released their receiver sets and not more than a month later had to drop the retail price nearly 50%. Despite this obvious sign of malcontent by the consumer base it doesn't seem like they learned their lesson yet.

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Dude, go with a Madbull M733 outer barrel. The aluminum outer barrel pulls out of the barrel base so you just cut off however much you want the barrel to be shorter and slide the barrel back into the base. Easy as pie!

Ah right, I didn't know that. Nice one mate.


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