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Various Projects

Hey,   Its been a while since I added any new entries.   I've been thinking of some possible projects but I usually don't have the tools, funds, or time to do them.   One project that I've been on again off again with is an airsoft SKS. I plan on making it gas and blowback. Though, I also thought of using MagnumBB's M14 NBB kit. Stocks are fairly priced and parts (bolt carriers, receiver covers) are easy to find. Though, I might use an Albanian SKS stock just for looks.   Anoth

T0p Sp!N

T0p Sp!N

P90 Mosfet Mod

Hello and welcome to my Blog,   Since I have a lot of free time on my hands lately, I've decided to tweak my P90, work with other electronic projects, and make use of this blog.   Yesterday, I finished completing my first Mosfet project with promising results. It was mainly a quick, messy bodge job. I could have used some PC board after all.   The Mosfet seems to function properly, but with only 2 or 3 malfunctions. This was most likely due to a short at the negative lead of the mot

T0p Sp!N

T0p Sp!N

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