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Out of the left field



It turned out that AirsoftGlobal has custom-built Muzzelite 10/22 for sale - of course, it's stupidly overpriced and lacking some upgrades, but at least I have a clue how the replica really looks fitted with the Muzzelite stock. First thing: the barrel is shorter than on the real deal, and only the thread sticks out - good for me, I can go with any barrel extension to cover up the Falcon 509 mm one. For example, the 240x40 King Arms can I got from my flatmate. Second, the Muzzelite stock isn't much more expensive than normal RS 10/22 stocks - normal ones go for $80 roughly and the Muzzelite is $110. The only problem with Muzzelite is that trigger needs some work - it's not as terrible as, let's say, JLS F2000, but I'm sure I'll be needing a lighter return spring for the trigger bar.

Why Muzzelite, though? Well, for starters, I wanted a futuristic-looking gun. Sure, it looked futuristic in the 80s, just ask propmakers that worked on Total Recall and SeaQuest. After slapping a longer barrel and a Falcon hop-up, it goes Section 5-hot and remains pretty accurate at 150-200 feet. Finally, as AirsoftGlobal claims, it's only a bit over 2 feet long and weighs two kilograms. TWO KILOGRAMS! That's two full-metal Berettas, which means I won't break my back carrying it around for a whole day (as opposed to the Warrior 1 I owned a while back). Damn good choice for a mobile marksman.

I'm only $200 short for the whole project - if I wanted, I could already order the 10/22, barrel and hop-up, but considering it's -10 C outside, and I need 200 feet of open space for testing, I have to postpone it until Spring. When I get a $400-$500 bonus.


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