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About cllwayzata2011

  • Rank
    World Famous Fo Sho
  • Birthday 11/08/1992

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  • Airsofter since
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  • Country
    United States

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  1. So now instead of giving a -1 on the spot after a flame war, all the kiddies will head over to the Sale section and give them the -1 there? Did anyone think of this besides me? Hah. You're trying to show your rep off, but when you click the link all you get is "Empty". You're right. I did get a good laugh.
  2. No sorry, her and I are already engaged. Better luck next time...
  3. Yeah man, you have too many. Give me one or 3
  4. OPTIMUS PRIME. Slegde: Prime Approves
  5. Vic, that looks/sounds... expensive
  6. Sorry Venge but I don't think those goggles are ANSI rated
  7. It's a Proud RAV in Coyote Brown. Fits me perfect, and very good quality.
  8. Here's my latest attempt at a "loadout". Not really going for any look in particular, so I guess you can't really call it a real "loadout". I'm not one of the super mil-simmy guy's. So don't flame me into oblivion please I still need alot to get it to look how I want it, all of which are on the way except a PAGST (can't afford it). Coming are: Woodland pants, dropleg holster, duty belt, dump pouch, blackhawk hellstorm knee pads, and a black balacava. Since I don't really know what unit it looks any way like, if anyone has any input on what it does please tell me. But don't tell me to
  9. What can I say.. I have talent ($678 USD in about 2 years of playing. BTW I'm only 14 ) Now let's get back on topic. I'd so contribute to this thread if my pile of gear wasn't as pitiful as a pile of ######. Oh well, my time will come Thanks for the +1 matt.
  10. I heart poker 1/2 my money comes from playing with my relatives
  11. Uhhh, maybe it's because the receiver tube would make it look even more ridiculous without the stock tube... I don't know it's all I could think of
  12. Hehe matt you overthought . You still win.
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