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Everything posted by uscmCorps

  1. Does anyone have pics of the Gen 2 stuff from Crye? The new Combat Pants, shirt and chassis is significantly different than the current stuff out there. $1,300.... I'd pay that.
  2. From CP's site: I was off by $200. But the above are starting prices... so they can only go up.
  3. "Authorised copy"!?!!! You're kidding right!?!! That will NEVER happen. EVER. As for an unauthorised copy coming out of HK... that is a possibility. Ragnar, as for the interest in the Crye Chassis... I think the main interest 99% of the airsofters have in it is the appearance of the rig, not it's ballistic capabilities. While the plates are probably very valuable, I doubt the rig itself would be terribly cheap either. It's not a simple vest by any means. Now if I was able to get a real Chassis and some fake plates to fill it... that would be a different matter.
  4. Are you sure that's a Gen2 Crye Armor Chassis? The Crye Chassis is a pretty complicated system to make accurately. A lot more complicated than a CIRAS. I'd be really surprised if one came out for that little but we can keep our fingers crossed.
  5. But would you be willing to pay $2,300 for one?
  6. Looks nice. Why'd you sell it?
  7. You mean that they only process orders when they have more than 20 units on order from various separate orders collectively, or that they will only accept single orders of 20 or more units!?!! If it's the latter, that kind of makes sense as I'd imagine it would be more efficient to make 20 vests at once than each one, one by one. That's kind of the way Eagle Industries does stuff too. Their minimum order is around 25 pieces if you want something done that is out of stock or made in a specific camo pattern. Problem with Eagle is that right now they're getting hammered with DOD contracts so
  8. Out of curiosity... how long do they take and how much will it cost? I know they start at around US$2,300
  9. No pics. You should generally get suspenders for any major load bearing belt. Takes the weight and strain off your waist/hips and redistributes that to your shoulders. The HSGI suspenders are great. But they're simple and if you can sew, you could make your own ones easily. When I want to play light, I'll put mags on the belt, then the suspenders, and the Crye Range vest goes over that. So you don't really notice the suspenders but they'll still give you all the support you need.
  10. I have one. It's an excellent belt.
  11. Just be prepared for a 8 to 12 week wait... especially for Multicam products.
  12. Did you need to quote all the pics?
  13. Please don't quote pics. It's recommended when replying to posts with pics to swap out the [ img ]ImageLocation[ /img ] with [ url ]ImageLocation[ /url ]
  14. The majority get it for looks. Not many people can afford the NVG those mounts were made for. I'm sure some do have NVGs for it, but they're few in number. Most night games I've seen people using NVGs are typically Gen 1 or Gen 2 NVGs because they're usually much more affordable (and they don't use these mounts).
  15. Yup. Works. That first pic is a good example of Multicam working in Woodland.
  16. The links for your pics are jacked.
  17. Do you have any actual info regarding this? I highly doubt EMDOM, a US based company (although all it's products are made in HK) would want to be affiliated with ripping off Crye. Doing so would get them in hot water VERY quickly. Is it possible that this is simply a promotional picture taken off EMDOM's or MM's site and is not of an actual replica? Edit: Also, I just noticed that on the inside of the rear plate cover, you can see the Crye Precision Instruction guide. Either this is one of the best Replicas I have ever seen or someone is misinformed. Of course... I'd rather it'd be I
  18. It looks like they're sold out. Doesn't hurt to ask though!
  19. Aesthetically, most people prefer Guarder's finish... they're just harder to work on. G&P M4 receivers are a piece of cake to assemble.
  20. Yeah... you have to get those separately. They are currently unavailable from Crye, and on ebay they usually go for a little less than $100. Pretty crazy huh? Most people don't realize that the pads come separately from both the shirt and pants. I've seen the knee pads go for almost $200 in the past! They basically have a black padded part with the tan rubber triangle part sewn onto it. The black part is shoved into the pockets on the elbow, and the Tan rubber triangle stays on the outside of the shirt. Because those two parts of the elbow pads are sewn together, they wedge the lip
  21. That's the Under Armor material. The Fire Retardant material still isn't in stock at the consumer level. I believe it is still being tested on the front lines. The general rule when it comes to the Crye Precision combat shirt is to buy one size up from your regular BDU size. For example, I normally wear a size Medium Short or Medium Regular BDU top. When it comes to the Combat Shirt, the Large Short is still a very tight fit on me. Regarding the size of the Combat Shirt's Collar, it's pretty big, but so is the collar on the Field Shirt. The main difference being that you can
  22. LOL... exactly what I was thinking!
  23. I'd paint the tan body of the JLS a slightly darker shade of Khaki. Something closer to the SCAR on his right. The tan of his JLS just contrasts wayyy too much with his multicam and with the environment.
  24. It's good, but I prefer the one in your sig.
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