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About tiokulebra

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  • Birthday 07/01/1980

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  1. Like the G&G AKMS before, the externals ARE LCT. Beautiful and solid, but i still prefer VFC's.
  2. Here are my other two HK's First, an UMP45 by G&G And second, a HK33a2 by CLASSIC ARMY (plus an USP Tactical from KSC): I love this gun, i thing it has the finnesse of the G3 in a more compact and agressive format. Its a shame no other big company ever released a more refined version of this (and i guess the same could be said of the G3...).
  3. Yes, of course!, in fact here are two of my babies: ARES G36C + ARES G36K front set + CA ris + S&T retractable stock + STAR SL8 top rail + MP7 sights + other little bits: and CLASSIC ARMY HK53 + modded mp5 light handguard: Tomorrow ill be posting pics of my others HKs: an UMP and a HK33
  4. This "H&K Picture Thread"s used to be GREAT back then when they were full of pics of G3s, MP5s, G36s, etc. and fewer HK416's. Now this its SOOO FULL OF 416 that its almost like another boring AR15 pics thread...
  5. Rogue Trooper, you said the dual sight are a pile of zhit, but the real sights are the same pile of ######. Its not ARES/UMAREX fault. As for the hopup, i've never have any problem. My g36c is running strong since day 1, 8 months & 30.000 bbs ago, with only 2 little upgrades: a deans connector and a H nub, and allways using 7.4x1600x20c lipos. So, i dont think they are bad. Lemons are lemons.
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