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  1. -Bo-

    G36 Picture Thread

    The Barrel is too short/the AG36 too long Why using this low-mounted Aimpoint ? Thougt about an original KSK-Rail ?
  2. Never seen this vest in use of Germans...
  3. -Bo-

    G36 Picture Thread

    Oh...I draw the line a false way. The clip survived my cutaway.
  4. Some new pics "VWG34 and Friends" (click to enlarge and view colored photo) www.vwg34.de
  5. -Bo-

    G36 Picture Thread

    The G36 has to look so, it's BD The flash hider is a selfmade one and should look like the KAC G36k QD FH. RAS:
  6. Fiskars Saw, yes. The little boxes are filled with 90 BBs each
  7. I think he means the Mehler ST. http://www.bestprotection.de/ebay/Schutzwesten/msta5.jpg I also own one, without any pockets. The SK is much slimer than the ST.
  8. -Bo-

    G36 Picture Thread

    I'm sorry for bad quality, but actually I just got my handycam. "Kitlist" : -Star G36K -CA RAS remodelled to KAC RAS -KSK Kurzvisierschiene -G'n'P AP Clone with KA Mount -TM C-Stock -MP7 Flip Ups -SEF Triggergroup Better pics soon
  9. http://www.flecktarn.co.uk/fltav7ux.html Frohwein/Multidesign KSK-Vest. I think you got a Multidesign IdZ-Vest. I would buy a Heim KSK Vest, but it's much more expensive. But I think the linked vest is good enough for Airsoft. And nice price ;-) http://www.multi-design.de/shop/product_in...-Tarndruck.html
  10. http://www.atxs.de/ www.lindnerhof-taktik.de http://www.asmc.de/de/Militaerausruestung/...lecktarn-p.html There are also other products, which are used, but you can't buy them, without good contacts.
  11. If you wanna build up an Fallschirmspezialzug-Outfit you could use an ATXS-Rig for about 120€.
  12. Hmm maybe you mean something else but these are Fernspäher (Pic) Wearing LH-Rigs, KMWs, ect.
  13. My G36 runs with an LiFePo4-Akkupack. Maybe you could try one
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