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Everything posted by RedRob

  1. I'm not sure on the gearbox in this, but that sounds like the classic "V2 lockup". Have you opened it up yet?
  2. We've got one of these - from TaiwanGun as well. By the way, for those that don't realise, they are in Poland so no import duties, and I've had excellent service from them - quicker and cheaper than most UK sites. Anyway, back to the MK23 - it's far better than its price suggests, Biigs review is spot on. I solved the rail issue by simply screwing a spare piece of 20mm rail under it so it could take a standard torch (or a bipod for giggles!). I've found it very consistent, and I won an impromptu pistol competition with it when my "proper" GBB M9 preferred to vent rather than propel BBs....
  3. New G19 (OK, technically a 23, but no trades, so it will pass as a 19 ) With my daughter's G18C AEP: And the obligatory "pistol and knife" shot:
  4. Personally, it depends what the aim is. For my L119A1-esque that I posted above, I want it to look a bit used, so I only used thin coats and started handling it almost straight away. If the aim is for a new look, then I'll strip it down to the basics, or at least do a "proper" masking job. It will then be painted properly, starting with a sand/strip, then prime, followed by 2 or 3 coats applied according to the paint manufacturer's recommendations. Ultimately, it depends what kind of finish you are after, and how OCD you get about it....
  5. Yes, but as I only used thin coats it's already showing a bit of wear and tear after a 7 hour Milsim last Sunday....
  6. Here they are, plus one I picked from, I think, a Range store.
  7. Hitman - I've used some gardening kneeler pads from Wilko. Sounds odd I'll admit, but they are the same material as the fake plates, and fitted perfectly in my CIRAS copy. I had to take a piece off the end, but that was ideal as side armour. Best of all, they were only something like £2-3 each..!
  8. RedRob


    Thanks for that comprehensive reply! I replaced the nozzle recently. I couldn't find a dedicated one, and ended up using one for an Aug as that seems to have the correct dimensions, etc. and has proved to work so far.
  9. RedRob


    Sorry, here's a picture of the rifle - it is a picture thread, after all! Happy New Year, by the way!
  10. RedRob


    OK chaps, after some advice about upgrading my son's A&K SR25. Playing in the UK, this type of DMR must be locked to semi-auto and is generally limited to a maximum of 450fps, so that applies some limits to what we can do. The current plan is for a tight bore barrel - 6.03 or possibly even 6.01 - of about 430mm, R-Hop, M130 spring, Element Silent piston/cylinder head combo, high torque motor and 11.1v LiPo. Replacing the gears is also a possibility, although they do look to be in decent condition, but what ratio would be most appropriate - there seems to be a variety available? By the way
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