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About Valkyr

  • Rank
  • Birthday 01/01/1987

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  • Airsofter since
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Nottingham, UK
  1. Anyone seen this yet? Celcius CTW MX-4 http://www.tsg-tactical.com/celcius-ctw-m4-cqb-and-m4a1-mx-4-pre-order.html S-T-T-S confirmed they will soon be taking pre-orders on their Facebook page too. Looks like some good improvements?
  2. Bah. Apart from looking nice, I'm guessing there isn't any real advantage to the PMAGs though?
  3. Thought the lowers were the same, why don't pmags fit the 416?
  4. Can I just check something that's probably a dumb question.. The latest WE M4 is exactly the same internally as the latest WE HK416? Are the external qualities any different? I'm looking to spend a little bit to make a bullet proof primary GBBR, but don't know which of these base platforms to start from.
  5. The bolt looks similar to a G39 one? Are these any more gas efficient than the M4? Tempted to get one but torn between this and the HK416. Any more news on RAT etc parts for these yet?
  6. You were lucky to find that thing falling out!
  7. I've seen mixed reports of this being discontinued already?
  8. In the UK that's not gonna happen, the VFC grip is my only option I think...if it fits
  9. Any idea if a VFC or similar HK416 pistol grip will fit on the WE? It's the only thing that bugs me except for the missing trades
  10. Liking it, need to get it some trademarks to finish it of, the receiver looks a bit plain. So tempted to get the VFC one for that reason
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