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Beaten by a Girl

Cyber Soldier

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She's kinda hot kraut...if things don't work out I would be availible to consoul her in her hour of need.  As a favor to you of course, airsofter to airsofter.

haha, I'm sure you would. That's one of her modeling pictures, posing with some gear and a Glock 17 (real) borrowed from a friend of mine, who is a gun nut (me as well :D )



Enough about my outrageoulsy beautiful girlfriend...


That guy wasn't in a bad position, in my opinion. You could do many things... all of them naughty ;)

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That's hot...

My gf (the chick in my avatar) likes to wrestle and play fight with me. It's cute as hell, but she does pack quite a punch.


Wimp ;) only kidding! i wouldn't wrestle with my missus, i'd loose. she's evil.


One of the best ways to die is to have your neck snapped between the thighs of a beautiful female assassin.


Yeah... :unsure:


better her then a bloke...nuff said.


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