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CIRAS / Throat mic Questions


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1. What is the difference between the Land and maritime version?

2. Is there a way to attach a belt to the CIRAS?


1. Land opens on the front, Maritime opens on the side(different amounts of real-estate too)

2. No, it would defeat the purpose of having releaseable armor.

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nice thread with some more info here:




Just have to search :P


The Land has more molle then the Maritine. The cummerbund on the land wraps around you, and attaches in the from, while the Maritine attaches on the side.


Some throat mics are different. If you are referring to that particlur model, the button to talk can be placed anywhere. they show it on the finger. Some models have larger buttons, so you can find easier or use the butt of your weapon to press.


This is my Land Ciras(the round button is my PTT) for an idea :)



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Its personal preference. I own an Eagle CIRAS Land version, and it has tons of space, which I like(...though I do find myself loading down with unneccessary ######). Operations might dictate which is better. The land has the release cable under your stomach, and the maritime under the neck(the pillow on the side I find much harder to pull than the other releases).

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I personally like the Land for the extra molle around the cummerbund, and not having to worry about where I put my pouches on the cummerbund so not to interfere with the side flap like the Maritine.


There really is not one better then the other. Its more peference.


As far as the release...I dont know about anyone else but I did it once...then realized I had put the dam thing back together and never used it again! It was fun to see once, but not worth the headache. I rarely ever see people actually using the release.

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I personally like the Land for the extra molle around the cummerbund, and not having to worry about where I put my pouches on the cummerbund so not to interfer with the side flap like the Maritine.


There really is not one better then the other. Its more peference.


As far as the release...I dont know about anyone else but I did it once...then realized I had to be the dam thing back together and never used it again! It was fun to see once, but not worh the headache. I rarely ever see people actually using the release.



I did that too...haven't done it since. In airsoft, there is no need to pull the release cable, fortunately.

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Its that thing you wear around your waist with your tux :P


Actually, its not much different then the one from a tux. It too is the part that wraps around your waist, only difference is the one on the ciras has molle. If only my tux had molle for a frag pouch...my wedding would have a whole new meaning.

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sorry about not searching. i normally do search. sorry again.  :(

EDIT: from the looks of it you can place the button on the mic itself so you could press the mic itslef for that Movie look...coool



The PTT isnt on the mic, in Tears of the Sun Bruce Willis is pushing the PTT AND his mic to get a clearer/louder transmission, I find I have to do that with my one sometimes (I use a DEVGRU Throat Mic)

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oh ok. but i'm thinking it would kill two birds with one stone if i mount it on the microphone itself anyway. but the microphone i'm thinking of is at redwolf and its 45 US dollars. Are there any others that have that big Circle button without being 125 bucks like the one at redwolf.

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