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Clarification of Japanse airsoft laws


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Sale, I know the tape does nothing and is not legal requirement, but I kind of wouldn't want to be tossed out of RopeCon, as THEY require something orange on the airsoft guns one carries around liek you said.


I was thinking of the plugs more for AnimeCon anyway, althought they have much stricter rules about weapon replicas than RopeCon...

Yes I know that is the organizer's requirement. I'm just saying it makes no sense, and the staff have never provided any reason as to why we need that. Why don't steel sword people need to paint their blades pink? :blink:


If AnimeCon organizers require a plug which prevents discharging a BB, then it actually makes sense, and may prevent an accident if someone's being dumb with their toys. But a layer of orange tape around the barrel is hardly a safety measure, as it doesn't stop a BB.


Sadly admitting how irresponsible people are, if I were the event organizer I would require a solid barrel plug attached to all Airsoft weapons, but it could be any color.



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AnimeCon actually says that cosplay prop airsofts stay in a bag unless it's a) a photoshoot or B) the cosplay competition/cavalcade.


Generally makes sense, as they require all the long props to be kept in the cloakroom unless same conditions apply, and AnimeCon/FinnCon is held in more central and cramped locations anyway. (Paasitorni Hakaniemi last year, for example...)


The plugs are something I'd like to sughgest just as a requirement, because I have seen the idiots. (Heck, few years back AnimeCon banned metal sword replicas as cosplay props after someone got stabbed in shin with someone else's iaito that got out of the scabbard due to idiots fooling around...)

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