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CA RPK in at UNCompany


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Sadly, is gun has the wiff of "Fail" about it. There are to many differences from a real RPK to warrant the price tag. Mind you, if somebody like JG had produced it (when you consider their 'Dragunov') for around £100, then even I would be tempted.

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seeing how classic army's rpk is an arsenal copy, its a decent copy. milled recievers never had the reinforcements. its is a legit rpk just not the kosher russian type we all want.


heres a pic of the real steel arsenal one it copies. you can always get a king arms ak74 receiver and add the reinforcments yourself.


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$430 for pot metal, poor trades a not even nearly authentic russian receiver, horrible trades and solid wood.


right... for £30 quid more i could get a RMW kit with a half correct reciever, full steel construction and laminated wood.


sorry CA, but IMO this fails.


aint that the truth.

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seeing how classic army's rpk is an arsenal copy, its a decent copy. milled recievers never had the reinforcements. its is a legit rpk just not the kosher russian type we all want.


heres a pic of the real steel arsenal one it copies. you can always get a king arms ak74 receiver and add the reinforcments yourself.



i hate how classic army have the license to use Arsenal Trades, im quite a fan of Arsenals guns, but classic army just take the name and slap it on any AK shaped gun they want, if they were really making an Arsenal RPK-7 then they should have at least attempted to make it look like one, with the proper shaped furniture. The other "arsenal" guns they make are mostly just generic AK74's, they have the Arsenal license, why dont they make some of the actual guns like the AR series etc




The RPK-7 that CA have made looks slightly like the 5.45 LMG from Arsenal, however even that has a reinforced reciever, and a different type of wood for the furniture!!





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Jaager, you should know by now that CA doesnt really care about producing accurate replicas. They're perfectly content to produce something that has the same general appearance as the doner gun but in then end lacks all of the refinements that would make it an accurate replica.


Its a damn shame.

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I think everyone is missing a couple of points:


That CA is using a reproduction of a "milled" receiver. As far as I know, there are no reinforced milled receivers. I admit that I may be totally wrong on that last point; I know quite a bit about stamped AK's and not as much about milled AKs.


I am dissaponted that with all the stamped receiver RPK's out there, except for a custom job, I have not seen any with the reinforced front trunion. Kinda like the "SVDs" that use short AK mags.


Edited because apparently, I cannot read. :rolleyes:



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this was my attempt for a legit rpk



its still wasnt perfect, I plan on parting it out and getting the RMW version soon. I feel sorry for the not so AK/RPK savi people that buy one thinking there gonna get the russian rpk only to find out its a las vegas rpk thats totally off.

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