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ACU Combat Apparel


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Again more great news from Paul at e banned, Combat ACU has been released though available previously the new combat top has the crye style elbow pads along with the combat bottoms which also have the combat knee pads :)


The set top and bottoms will go for $150 again with the free shipping



Again news from airsoft news eu


(there seems to be an abundance of news, looks like ile just fill the gap lol :) if the mods dont mind)

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BoE.Solidius No they are not safe these are replicas, thats the reason the real combat apparel didnt go though apparently they burn quickly, so do not go near a fire or allow high levels of heat to touch the under armour tests have shown at high temp then burn very quickly melting to the skin causing some amount of pain :(


Someone correct me if i am wrong ;)

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I wonder if these are going to be ARMY safe to use as I am planning on buying a pair of these for my deployment. I need to report to Batalion cmd to find out more info and to see if these will be a viable personal purchase for use in combat.


Splendid Captialisation there old Chap. Why, if you hadn't capitalized it, the last person on the board may not have realized you are in the ARMY and are ELITE MILLSIM. I mean, thats all grand and *beep*, but really, its getting a bit old. We get it, you are an UBERWALT. You don't need to constantly remind us of this fact.

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I wonder if these are going to be ARMY safe to use as I am planning on buying a pair of these for my deployment. I need to report to Batalion cmd to find out more info and to see if these will be a viable personal purchase for use in combat.


You really are an *albartroth*. I'm not even sure you're in the "ARMY" ( hooah, elite milsim blah blah, I am bestest nob end) with the attitude and approach you have.

Anyway. Even though its ACU, tis very nice. I'm tempted to get a pair of the grey kneepads to go in my black gear ( if they sell em seperately that is)

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I wonder if these are going to be ARMY safe to use as I am planning on buying a pair of these for my deployment. I need to report to Batalion cmd to find out more info and to see if these will be a viable personal purchase for use in combat.


You really do bring the lulz.

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Solidius, with what you just said, there's no way you're in the Army, or have considered joining the Army any time soon. They wouldn't be telling you to buy ACU.


EDIT: To stay on topic, looks nice. Wonder how it fares in a firefight?

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Dude I said if I could buy it form my self. Read the post, a PERSONAL BUY. And yes sometimes you have to buy the uniform they don't let you keep all the issued ones.


Why is me stating that I was going to ask to see if it was okay to buy one? You people are complete *rickrolls* and nothing but trolls and newb softers. There wassn't an attitude in any way shape or form. And wtf is UBERWALT? I mainly sense jelously and trolling nothing more.


Why do you post things like that to only bash somebody else, its really pointless.


You guys don't know *beep* about me, so STFU and stop asuming things. Especcially you Connery. Over 85% of the posts in here are nothing but utter trash and hate towards me. Send me a *fruitcage* PM but don't ruin a decent thread. Go back to your Chairsofting and KNow it all habbits because your brit kids and American Fanboys really have no clue. Jesus *fruitcage* christ. Having to defend my self constantly on this forum.

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Maybe the fact you find yourself having to defend yourself is a good indication that you're doing something wrong.

Walting is the process of touting yourself as something your not, in Brit Army parlance ( I think, I'm not ARMY, so I'm not 100% on that). The way you and your team constantly rave about how awesome and ARMY (ELITE MILSIM) sponsored you are actually convinces everyone that you are not. From what I've seen from the BOE videos, you guys aren't very good, let alone ELITE ARMY MILSIM.

If it's a personal buy, why the hell would your CO give a ######? You only put that in there to walt it up even harder. It's Like Britsofters claming they know an SAS guy.


Also, what the hell do you mean " Britkids and American Fanboys?" Do you even know what a fanboy is?

Jealousy of what?! Your ARMY ELITE MILSIM ruthlessness?

Get over yourself sunshine.


Crimson, how the hell do you get all this info?!

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Shriven I am over my self do you see any sort of bragging in my post? NO, you like to see it as I brag all the time about my so called "ELITE MILSIM blah blah blah" But no I don't brag about it, all you see is the US ARMY SPONSERED in my sig. So what it means where sponsered. Half the videos we post on youtube are music videos, not "THIS IS HOW WE MANEUVER" videos. I hardly rave on about my team and its only when I talk about MilSim that I must defend what I play as.


Yes a CO would care greatly if I where to wear those in Garrison or in Combat, obviously your not in the military or you would know that you sometimes have to ask to use *beep* its all not given on a silver platter.


Just stop *fruitcage* attacking me over nothing, pety acts and it seems mostly as jelousy or thats how your rants come off as. Just stop. It was completley pointless to blatantly attack me over what I said and just down right stupid and made you and a lot of people here look like *fruitcage* retards.


Why don't you get over your UBER sensable lack of respect towards people, show me respect and I show it back. Respect is not earned its given plain and simple, if you don't like the guy you show him respect I have tried and been doing that why don't you.

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Well somewhere over on yonder there's a topic in this thread, which we seem to have forgotten in the runaway train of pointless argument.


So this thread's Binned and next one of you I see derailing a thread with the words "Elite army Milsim" or ranting about chairsofters and know it alls will get bummed in the gob.

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