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New Pyro Imminent from TLSFx?


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Looks like this thing: http://www.airsoftwarehouse.co.uk/acatalog/Pyro_s.html No idea if it's the same thing or not, quite possibly as it maybe TLSFX that make the pyro refills.


However at those "refill" prices I think I'll just stick to normal pyros that I don't have to go looking for after I've thrown it. Now if they were 50p-£1 then yeah I'd buy the grenade and a box of 50 refills without thinking much about it.


Edit: there's a thread about the one I linked to here: http://www.arniesairsoft.co.uk/forums/inde...howtopic=154866

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I don't think that is the same stuff if you take a closer look- It looks far bigger and seems to have a paper label on it - I'd say that was a 50mm diameter unit as opposed to the 40mm Botac. Having seen Breach 1 - this would appear to be another promo vid from them? Does this then herald new products?

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I'd say they are totally different.


I've just compared both grenades together. The neck and text on the Botac grenade are different to the neck and text on the TLSFX teaser trailer. The Botac also looks a lot smaller than the TLSFX one.

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Made enquiries and have now seen "Breach2" as well as some rather exciting items about to be unleashed on airsofters UKwide.

The version I saw was 9 minutes long and there are apparently stills from it (or in- filming shots) on Ultimate Airsoft's Forum.

Not usually given to superlatives my reaction was "awesome" in the given context of the word.

It may be that a shortened version hits the net but I believe that aside from an advert it will provide a very good reference to the hobby. (you do consider airsoft a hobby don't you?)

And my question was answered - YES - it does herald new pyro - A fantastic milsim grenade and the long awaited hi-density, quick coverage UK made smoke just for starters it seems....... and they fit your pouches!!!!!

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I think you guys have got the complete wrong end of the stick:


first link on the right hand side is : Breach :



"www.tlsfx.co.uk present: BREACH an Airsoft Assault using TLSFx pyrotechnic products and special fx. "


Whats the bet that breach 2, is in fact just another short airsoft film done using their pyrotechnics etc.

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No stick to grasp.

Breach - been out ages.

Breach 2 - next promo film using NEW pyrotechnics. I got a sneak preview recently. Seems selected persons are getting DVDs sent with orders etc. The film is brilliantly done - apparently professionally at that. Won't put ANY spoilers in but it's more like an action movie than the Breach was. PyroFX includes stuff that they do on Milsims too - from their big movie experience.

Those obsessed at present with Botac are going to be surprised when the stuff used in that video hits the market.

Fly off lever, disposable pyro - grenades (RUAG Lookylikeys) Fly off lever Smoke (fast burn quick coverage good screening) and other goodies.

Why people keep saying "Botac" is beyond me - TLSFx make the "cardboard stuff" don't they? On their facebook grop it says it's due to be released "very soon" or summat like that.

So I'll answer my own question then shall I? :D

Yes. New pyro is imminent from TLSFx.

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ERK! :o

I just went here


And was knocked off me chair by this

* Warning:

Don't bring to public, especially Airport facility.

Consult your local government for laws and regulations.

Everyone should wear goggle and ear plugs in the field when playing GSG-01

Other warnings and restrictions refer to user manual and product label.


And they actually advertise it to be in EXCESS of 120dB (something which elsewhere caused a right sh1tfight regarding Botac/Dynatech etc.)

The word STUN actually stops me in me tracks too. So cheap or not - I'd say you were using an offensive weapon if you chucked that at me.....


Did anyone take not the dB meter was reading 82.7dB(A) as ambient noise? then it bounced up to 124.8 as the Japanese operator cursed!!!!!! (just after the bang hurt his ears I imagine :P )


I know the on sale cardboard stuff doesn't exceed 120dB(A) because it's designed to that level - Be it EG, Spectrum or TLSFx its all much a muchness at present - apart from the new green ones with the yellow band on that are appearing - but then they are still on or below the 120dB(A) level and they are not made of cardboard - more like a compressed paper type substance which must be better for the environment as it will break down quicker.


I'm looking forward to the new stuff hitting the field - REAL ring pull, let the lever go stuff has got to enhance the realism factor.

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and here




middle of the soldier on right's chest


Some kinda grenade with a skull and crossbones on it!


Ball Grenade



Question now is - WHEN?

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