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BIOVAL BBB FLUO delivered to Airsoft Assist and will soon be available to retailers in Europe! These fluorescent BBB's come in weights of 0.20gr and soon 0.25gr with a size of 5,920 mm. These are high quality, cost effective fluorescent bb's!These hard bio bbs are designed to work in all guns including the finicky Systema PTW.





more information at www.biovalbbb.eu

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Finally, some more news about the BBBFLUO BB's. I only found out about them recently, and it seemed like they were going to be out last summer (http://www.arniesairsoft.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=143000), but apparently not. I have a tracer BB project going, and information about these was floating around, but there weren't any places that had them, and I had almost given up on them.

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The Bioval US distributor is ######. They never answer emails...unless you claim to be a field or retail store wanting to buy a bunch. You have to basically assure them a large volume sale before they give a damn. I want more BBB products, but DEDUSA is a DOA distributor...

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the dimplex bb is going to work like a golf ball. the dimpled surface cuts down majorly on air resistance allowing the Hop Up to hold its effect longer


BUT, i think they will be expencive since making them will require a new, more complicated process.

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I've actually had a very good experience with DED USA. I ordered online but called to make sure they'd be able to ship them out on time for a game I wanted to go to. They said they'd ship them out before 12 the next day so I placed my order. There was an issue with my address, I accidentally gave them the wrong zip code. I got an email and called them again and was able to get it all sorted out very quickly.


Only thing I didn't like was that they shipped with FedEx and I have a PO Box so I had to go to the local FedEx Ground office to pick them up and it's about a 20 minute drive.


Sounds to me like you just had a bad experience Pariah.

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