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LCT RPK AEG now available


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The gun has, or the kit? I've seen the kit, but it wasn't the full gun.


So is LCT a standard of its own, or will it fit TM compatible parts? I've been wanting an RPK for a while (granted to put an AK length barrel on), now I'll have to decide between this or the kit and the guts that aren't included. Of course, my wallet is going to strangle me if I attempt to buy this now.

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only very early or polish RPKs. the russians soon stopped using dimples on the RPK.


For once I click on an rpk thread and am confronted by a replica of... an rpk.


Usually its some ridiculously lazy sh1te, but this is a good one, correct rear sight and all!

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only very early or polish RPKs. the russians soon stopped using dimples on the RPK.

On wikipedia, there is a picture of a romanian soldier showing a US marine how to use the RPK, and all of the RPKs in that picture have dimples. Dated 2000. Looks to me like there have been ones produced with 47-style rectangle impressions, AKM style dimples, and no markings in that spot at all.

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thing with ak's is that they are made by so many factorys, for so many army's and for private sale, and over so many decades, not to mention common aftermarket modifications and replacement parts, that there is practicaly limitless variety. there simply is no 'standard pattern' AK. ive never seen two of the same AK in the hands of insurgents. so its unfair to judge an rpk too harshly on little details. LCT ak's are just sooooo nice in the flesh.

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no russian RPK has had an AK47 style milled reciever to my knowledge and most russian RPKs have no dimples.

other countries have made their own variants too ;)

I've seen bulgy RPKs with, if not AK47 style receivers, ones that look like them.


Other countries have made their own variants, so this looks like it will be accurate for early polish and russian ones, unknown dates of romanian ones, and who knows what else? Unless you are going for specifically a Russian look, it should work just fine.

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only very early or polish RPKs. the russians soon stopped using dimples on the RPK.

Russians used dimples until 1973, they made RPK's until 1977.


Polish never made RPK's btw, only Romanians and Russians.. Bulgarian ones are all post warsaw pact era when all hell broke loose in terms of variants.. So I'm talking strictly military variants. Yugo's also made RPK's but they look a bit different.


This is talking about true RPK's like pictured, not long barreled Ak's or whatever :). There are loads of those (Finnish, Chinese, Albanian, Iraqi etc)

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I've seen bulgy RPKs with, if not AK47 style receivers, ones that look like them.


exactly. no RUSSIAN RPK like i said.


Russians used dimples until 1973, they made RPK's until 1977.


Polish never made RPK's btw, only Romanians and Russians


really? i swear ting said that the dimples were appropriate for a polish RPK when he first started selling them.

thanks for the dates regarding the russian RPK too, i was under the impression that they were phased out quicker.

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