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New Vest at EBB


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Wonder how big it is, and how it looks with pouches on? Is this vest based on some other vest?


Yes, its a copy of the Camelbak Delta 5 Vest.





pic of loaded vest:




And another, to get an idea of how big it is:



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Now, this question is coming from someone who doesn't like "china-brand" gear, but what is the point o buying a vest built around a hydration carrier, when it doesn't come with hydration, looks shoddy (I do not trust the "1000d Cordura" thing), and a person could buy the real one for only $50 more? It seems worthless to me. And if I'm not mistaken, the real one comes with a bladder, right?

Ebaybanned gear has always been a pet peeve of mine. Especially their copy of the MCAP, which turned out beyond terrible.


Sorry for ranting. I just noticed.

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Now, this question is coming from someone who doesn't like "china-brand" gear, but what is the point o buying a vest built around a hydration carrier, when it doesn't come with hydration, looks shoddy (I do not trust the "100d Cordura" thing), and a person could buy the real one for only $50 more? It seems worthless to me. And if I'm not mistaken, the real one comes with a bladder, right?

Ebaybanned gear has always been a pet peeve of mine. Especially their copy of the MCAP, which turned out beyond terrible.


Sorry for ranting. I just noticed.


Link to said real one? Looks interesting, not really fond of the color though.

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Real one doesnt come in MC does it?



No it doesnt mate. I sourced two from the states in foliage green for myself and a team mate and we both agree that they are fantastic pieces of kit. The Foliage green discription is a little of as it is a very pale colour, but again myself and my team mate have used a range of the MC pouches from warrior systems on the vest and they dont look half bad at all



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what is the point o buying a vest built around a hydration carrier, when it doesn't come with hydration, looks shoddy (I do not trust the "1000d Cordura" thing), and a person could buy the real one for only $50 more?


Because some people are not able to innovate, so they will copy everything that can be copied, following the almighty rule of "I do it cheaper price, so people will buy only mine". Some people will think of price first, others will think value for money.

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